
Kids, Disney, and Hannah Montana??

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This was a few months ago, but its whatever it doesn't really matter. Well my daughters are 4 1/2. And they were invited to a friends 6th birthday party and the theme was Hannah Montana, which is fine. Well her mother and I were talking and it came up. And I said that my daughters were not into Hannah Montana, they have no interest. They are really enjoying all the princesses and stuff right now. Well she went to say that oh they will be into her soon, and the her daughters (6 and 3 1/2-4) aren't into the princesses and Disney movies anymore, they have outgrown them.

I just want to know, does anyone else feel like how do you outgrow Disney movies?? What is your reaction to this, is anyone else's children like this??And doesn't this seem like a emphasis on our children grow up too fast??




  1. I haven't outgrown Disney movies and I'm in my 20's!!  I still enjoy sitting down and watching them with my oldest.

  2. They do outgrow them. For my kids, around age 5. They just get old enough to find other things that interest them.  I don't think it's them growing up too fast, it's just that they start to be more aware of other entertainment and seek  what they're drawn too.  I have one daughter that can't stand Hanna Montana and another who loves her. It's all about what they enjoy. When they're small, they're entertained by whatever we get them. We didn't get too big into Disney movies for certain reasons but my kids watched The Wizard of Oz a bazillion times and  loved all of the Wallace and Grommet films. They watched them because that's what we exposed them to. Now they watch other things because they understand that they have a choice.

  3. Hannah Montana, in my opinion, is a little bit too old for little girls in that age range. She is suppose to be geared towards preteens, not toddlers and little kids under the age of 12.

    Disney is the way to go with little girls. I'm glad that you feel that way. More parents should.

    Didn't we all grow up on Disney, especially us women? Don't we all remember watching those movies? Not on DVD, CD, or video tape, but on a special night once a year maybe.

    Don't we all still love these classics. Disney is not just fluff.

    Cinderella and Snow White were both motherless, and both endured.

    I'm sure that both would have survived without ever finding the "Handsome Prince."

    Snow White took care of 7 men at once! How much stronger can a woman be?

    Of course children grow out of toys and fads, but I say keep them as young as you can, for as long as you can.

  4. How can a 6 year old and a 3 year old be over disney movies? The 3 year old is barely old enough to understand half of them!

    See, this is just sad to me. My daughter was not over disney stuff until she was nearly 9. Keep them young and innocent as long as you can because it goes by wayyyy too fast as it is.

  5. I think a lot of the Disney princess stuff is really marketed toward preschoolers.  Maybe not the movies themselves, but certainly the merchandise.  So while they might outgrow the plastic pink toasters and tea sets with Disney Princesses plastered all over them, it doesn't necessarily mean that they won't still enjoy the movies from time to time.

    Kids grow up and they move on to the next thing.  It's just part of life.  My six year-old niece is obsessed with Hannah Montana and High School Musical.  She drives my poor sister up the wall.  Then again, her name is Hannah, so it was inevitable that it would happen sooner or later.

  6. Okay, my 11 1/2 year old daughter still enjoys some Disney movies and she has recently gotten excited about Disney fairies.  So, depending on what you allow your girls to be exposed to will determine what they get excited about.  On the other hand, I know nine year olds who know more about everything than I ever will.  

    So if you don't want them to get into HM limit their exposure by guiding them to other choices.  We do this by not having cable TV and renting lots of movies and TV shows like Full House.  For us, my daughter watches some HM shows when we rent them for her.  

    So back to your main question:  My 11 year old and her friends still play dress up and love fairies.  At eleven, they have moved past the princesses but not that long ago.  You can control how fast they grow up!  

  7. I have seen this in my own extended family, children "outgrowing" Disney and Disney princesses.  I think for boys it's different because they don't really have the idols in any of the Disney characters that girls can have in the princesses.  But my boys still love all the Disney movies we have, even the girly ones (Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, etc.).  I haven't outgrown them either.  I kind of wish that they (Disney princesses) had been as popular (you know--costumes and dolls and everything) when I was a little girl.  

    Your kids also won't be into Hannah Montana if they're not ever exposed to it at home.  At least not for a long time.  My oldest child still doesn't like to watch non-cartoon shows (he's 5), so if your kids are like mine, they won't even be interested yet because she's not a cartoon.

  8. I can't believe they've already outgrown Disney.  How do you do that in the first place?

  9. I am almost 25 and I still love disney.  My son is 4 and enjoys watching disney movies and he like the characters as well.  My niece is 8 and she still wants to be a disney princess.

  10. I definitely don't think you can outgrow it. Because I am living proof I am 26 and a majorly proud Disney fan, I collect all merchandise, music, figurines and love the parks.

    I hope that I can instill that in my daughter who has just turned 1.

    No one should have to grow up and should always be able to enjoy Disney.

    Good for you and your children. There are too many children now wanting to be grown up fast. And I think that's sad.

  11. I think a lot of it has to do with if they have older siblings or other kids they look up to who are into other things. My daughter is going to be 5 next week and still loves Princesses and Barbies. She isn't really into Hannah Montana (which is fine with me, I can't stand that's so darn stupid, the acting is horrible and Miley's mouth annoys me). I do agree marketing is towards kids growing up too fast. Brats Dolls are also annoying to me. I can't believe the way they dress those dolls and then we wonder why our kids want to dress like hoochies when they are older. I think sometimes it's best to just not let them watch certain things.  

  12. 6 and 3 and they have already grown out of disney ?  What the? That's crazy ...sheesh kids are growing up 2 fast these days.... i still love disney and my 9 and 11 year old nieces still love disney and princess stuff...well the 11 year old is over princess stuff but not the 9 year old....As long as your little girl still gets to be treated like a little girl and not a 15 year old hannah montanah wanna be don't worry and thank goodness!

    Good Luck.

  13. Seems to me that Hannah montana is a little too much for kids that are 6 and 4.  Do you ever outgrow Disney?  I haven't and I'm in my 30's.  I think kids could outgrow a certain movie, especially after they have watched it 487, 612 times but then they move on to another one.  My girls love the princesses and my boys love Cars but they all love Nemo, Tarzan, Fox and the Hound and many more.  They have recently discovered more of the older Disney like Dumbo, Bambi, Jungle Book.  I think it's all about what we expose them to.  I think exposing a 4 and 6 year old to Hannah Montana now is asking for trouble when they are 10, 12, or 14.  What are they going to turn to when they outgrow her?    

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