
Kids Activities!!!?

by Guest59738  |  earlier

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Last summer, i volunteered at a daycare center and there was something called CIT day where me and the other girl who voulteered had to plan an was a disaster! Does anyone have any ideas of fun, easy, activities? please let me know!!




  1. coloring, hand painting, kide and seek, movies, tag, play house, wiffle ball, download activities from or, crawling while playing tag.

  2. painting! FINGER PAINTING!

  3. Crafts are always a good idea!

    doing anything outside is alson good cuz u dont really have to worry about messes and the fresh air always tires kids out ,

    set up some type of obsitcal course  

    ( how old are the kids is this a small childs day care like baby -3 year old ... or older kids like 5-12?)

    set up a scavanger hunt, or some type of races, ( egg on spoon.-3 legged ext )

    it wont be hard to think of thinsg kids will like.. just ask them ?

  4. duck duck goose

  5. Play sports like Football Soccer Basketball or board games or watch a movie and order pizza

  6. Treasure Hunt

    Where's a good place to hide the treasure? The answer depends on both the location and the treasure itself. If it's huge, you need to pick a spot the children won't see it. If it's small, there are all kinds of possibilities. I've seen treasures hidden in an oven!

    Another option is to use the starting point as the ending point. Just make sure the route has the kids out of that room for at least 3 minutes so you can sneak the treasure into the room. It helps to have a second adult so that one can stay with the kids while the other is putting out the treasure.

    Plan the Route.

    Once you know where you want to end up, then start thinking about the route itself. Do you want them to always stay in the same room? Can they go upstairs and downstairs? Can you have them go outside for part of the route? Are there some rooms you or areas that shouldn't be included in the route?

    Pick your Clues.

    Once you have the route, the next step is deciding on the clues. If you only have a small space, then you should have hidden clues that will be a challenge to solve. Think of things like codes, secret messages, poems or riddles that they need to solve to find the next clue.

    If you have lots of space, then the clues can be easier to follow. You could use compass directions and a number of paces (remember that kids may have a smaller 'pace' than an adult!). Once you have the directions, you can make a treasure map

    Often we use codes or reversed writing even for a large treasure hunt. To make clues in reversed writing, type the clue into the computer, then 'flip' the text. After you print it, hold it up to a mirror to make sure it's reversed.

    Tips and Ideas

    For a really long treasure hunt, about halfway through, have a very tough clue hidden with a snack and drinks. The kids can have a break while they solve the clue.

    If you are looking for inspiration, here's the story of a creative Uncle who planned a treasure hunt using our treasure balls to hide one of the clues

  7. Playdough---have the children make it so they can take it home.  Search the Internet for a no-cook playdough recipe...there are a lot out there.  My Kindergarten Summer Camp children LOVED this and I have had success with the preschoolers.  I would suggest you make a rebus recipe chart to help things go smoothly.

    If you choose a common theme such as farm or can get many many good ideas off the Internet. I personally like the farm theme...there are so many interesting things that children can do!

    Good luck!


    have all the kids bring a liter coke bottle  fill  3/4 full of water and add glitter or a small amount of food coloring.     have the kids swirl the bottle and walaaaah!   oklahoma twister in a bottle !!


    use large elbow macaroni noodles   mix rubbing alcohol and food coloring all together.   lay out on newspaper to dry.   once dry assort by colors and place different colors in paper bags  and set on tables for children to create their own masterpiece.  use the wheel noodles too.    this will keep them busy for hours on end.    


    have the kids bring in items that can be disassembled .  have tools available for this project. kids will be busy for hours taking things apart and seeing how the object looks inside.  


    bring white t-shirts and colorful "washable markers" have an autograph party!


    mix  "sta-flo starch and elmers glue"  mix until clumpy  then mix by hand until it reaches silly puddy  

    texture.  this is incredible!!!



    use tempra paints and place in a large zip lock bag get all the air out and the kids can draw pictures on the outside of the bag.


    have each child bring a large ball of yarn use popcicle sticks and wind different colors of yarn around the stick to make a gods eye.

  9. puzzle games.

    tag or hide-n-seek.


    an obstacle course designed for them.



    candy-hunt [like an egg hunt but with candy].

    hand games [i.e patty cake]

    make their own snack.

    watch a movie.

  10. we made flowers with the kids in my daughter's pre school today.  we traced their hands and cut them out.  the kids decorated them.  we taped them to strips of green (for the stems) then we taped them to the wall and put over it "pre-school has spring fever!"  it turned out really cute.  the kids had a really good time.  they're studying plants right now.  we put celery in three different clear cups with three different colors of water (just put food coloring in the water) so they could see how the celery drinks the water.  by the end of the day the food coloring was distributed all through the leaves and top of the stalks.  they really liked it.

  11. edible play dough.

    Peanut Butter Play dough

    3 1/2 cups creamy peanut butter

    4 cups powdered sugar

    4 cups powdered milk

    3 1/2 cups corn syrup

    Mix ingredients by hand.

    Can decorate with sprinkles, M&Ms etc.

    It is eatable.

    Oatmeal Playdough

    2 cups smooth peanut butter

    2 cups rolled oats

    2 cups powdered milk

    2/3 cups honey

    Optional -Rice Krispes, Coconut Sprinkles, chocolate chips, Red Hots, etc.

    Mix ingredients until combined.

    Wash hands.

    Lay down wax paper.

    Store in air-tight container.

  12. Check out Usborne Books for some great teacher/parent resources and activity books!  My son's school has Big Book of Playtime Activities, which contains TONS of activities for the preschool set - it's a wonderful reference to have on hand!  See and buy at

  13. this depends on how old the kids are...but for say lyk 4/5/6 year olds

    1.) group paintings

    2.) they could all give lil talks about things they like doing- or they could draw them

    3.) play sessions outside

    4.) you could read to them

    5.) like treasure hunts or something where they each get prizes at the end.

    these are just a few ideas.

    hope they help!


  14. Dodge ball, without a doubt. All kids love dodge ball, especially boys.. I'm 18 and i still love dodge ball. ... kids just simply like throwing things at each other....

  15. musical chairs, face painting, charades, hide and go seek, relay races, jump rope, duck, duck goose, and any fun group activity games

  16. Play basket ball or obstacle courses, kids would love that!

  17. painting, duck duck goose, chase, tag, finger painting, bring in doll or toy blocks, also bring in play dough or clay, another thing is story time make them act out things. hoped i helped

  18. dance exercises

  19. It depends on what kind/ like a small field trip cause  petting zoo is always fun for kids.

  20. for preschoolers, hide and go seek is fun. also "family" is fun (u make the "family" of kids and pretend you are playing as a normal family). umm..if you bring in toys with activities on it those are fun for kids as well

  21. Have the kids go through magazines looking for picture they like. If the picture is really thin and has a hard time of standing straight up glue to a thicker piece of paper first.

    Once the glue has dried, cut it out and glue to a Popsicle stick (you can buy a bag of these at almost any craft store for around $1.00). Have them come up with an idea for a play or story and use their new made puppets.
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