
Kids and Paranormal Activity?

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I have a 3 year old and a 9 month old. Occasionally my 3 year old wakes up in the middle of the night, crying hysterically and when I go in to comfort him, he stares at the corner of the room and points. My 9 month old has started freaking out for no reason in the room as well. Has anyone had an experience like this with their kids, and what did you do to resolve it?




  1. Ooh, that's creepy. Have you eliminated all the possibilities - shadows on the wall, movement from trees outdoors, curtains, etc? At times I think there is a ghost in my house (and it's a new house). I haven't told this to many people. But a babysitter I used to have said my kids would go into this one room (which is well-lit,open and at the front of the house) and would get these wierd looks on their faces. Sometimes I hear knocking at night. I never noticed this before we had the kids, my husband and I lived here two years before our kids were born. Like I said, the house is brand new. We watched it being built from the ground up and as far as we know there were no construction accidents or anything. I will track this question to see what people suggest.

  2. this has never happened to me with my child, but i did notice my cat staring up at nothing before in our house which i know has "something" in it, though it seems harmless.  it could be 2 things:  you could in fact have something your house that is of the paranormal persuasion.  or, your oldest child could be having nightmares and your youngest is picking up on attention the oldest is getting and emulating the behavior.  if i were you, i would have someone come spiritually cleanse the house. if that doesn't help, then perhaps you should have the children sleep independently in different rooms to thwart copied behavior.

    i don't want to scare you, but i have read and seen some pretty scary phenomena that are similar in description.  i'm sure there is a local paranormal association if your area that would be happy to come inspect your home.  if they do in fact think something is amiss, then i'd go ahead with the cleansing be it with either a priest, medium, or some other expert.  otherwise, i wouldn't doubt that one child "sees" and then reacts accordingly.

  3. Children are more open to the spirit world than an adult. They see things we don't see. He is probably seeing something. Try smudging (cleansing) your home. You can read up on it when googling it. also if you have a myspace i can help further. here is my URL best wishes

    amazing the thumbs down I'm getting for my beliefs. Just because you people don't beleive in it doesnt mean it doesnt exsist. I've been there done that therefore i believe in what i see and hear. period DOT

  4. Sounds like the 3 year old has an over-active imagination.  I know I did at that age.  Maybe he just wants to sleep with you.  I agree the 9 month old is probably just copying.  Don't you think that's a much more logical explanation than some paranormal activity that's never been shown to exist?

  5. Well from what i have seen ghost or spirts or entities also go for the kids first. It could be becasue the parents do not believe it at first but then they realize somthing is up at some point. But I could just be that your kid is a kid. Kids always see things that are not there.

  6. Little ones like that can get focused on the strangest things. Our 8-mo old sometimes is like that, and on occasion he'll wake up and will be inconsolable. It's possible that your 3-yr old is having bad dreams that wake him up. If he's associated the corner of the room with the bad dreams in some way (perhaps the corner or something in the corner was featured in one of his dreams), he's going to have that kind of reaction to it.

    I would suggest moving the room around a bit. Place the bed in a different location, and place something very friendly looking that he likes in the corner. I have a hunch this will help him.

    Best of luck. Rest assured that the paranormal is not involved here and it's important for parents to not get sidetracked into irrational explanations when trying to understand their children. Stories very similar to yours can be found on many parenting messageboards. It's just children being children :)

  7. You resolve it by snapping out of your current frame of mind.  Little children cry.  You are making more of it than you need to.

    The above poster: "Children are more open to the spirit world than an adult. They see things we don't see."

    Says who?

  8. I'm going to agree with the poster that suggested moving things around in the room.  Go for the easy one first.  You also might try laying down on that bed at night and looking towards that corner.  There might be something there that makes a scary shadow.  If I look to the right while in my bed there is a television in front of the window.  That and the dark space between windows creates a big shadow of someone standing over me.  I know what it is but a child wouldn't.  Also, go with the favorite things in the scary place idea as well.  See if that doesn't stop it.  If not, ask some questions and see what it is that they are afraid of.  Let them know you believe them and want to help.  Don't just tell them there is nothing to be afraid of because since they are afraid they won't believe you.  Give that stuff a try and let us know how it goes.

    And for the record, I'm a paranormal investigator.  I just think you should rule out the normal first.

  9. i don't know, but you could move your kids into your room for a few months and see what happens. also you probably already have, but did you ask what he saw or anything like that? and im pretty sure your 9 month old is just copying the 3 year old

  10. The same thing happened to us when my oldest child was 3 or 4. I did not know the history of the house but it seems like that should be important. We lived in a two bedroom two story duplex with a basement. The bedrooms were upstairs. At some time in the past there had been a lock on the closet door in my sons room, like a pad lock except the lock was not there just the things it goes through. One morning, he insisted there had been  a ghost in his room the previous night. I believed him or at least believed that he believed it and believed that it could be possible. We traded rooms completely moved everything around. I put a stick through the lock on the door of the closet that was in my new room. After that he was fine. A few months later, I saw a man standing behind me watching over my shoulder as I cooked. It was only for a split second. I was so startled that I dropped the boiler on the stove. I wasn't scared just startled. I believe that the house was haunted, but not by something evil. We moved but not because it was haunted. Years later I noticed my baby daughter looking and laughing like someone was right in front of her. I imagined it to be a friendly ghost or angel. I could not see it, but I could see her reaction and it really seemed like she could see something that I did not see even when I was looking.

  11. It sounds to me like he might be having night terrors or something. You might want to bring it up with his pediatrician. Kids have active imaginations so if the 9 year old starts to believe there is something to fear, then he will start imagining things.  

    These things are not unusual. I don't know how to resolve it, my 12 year old is afraid of ghosts and the dark. Nothing I do or say will convince him that he is being silly. In his mind its real, and until he decides he doesnt want to be afraid anymore he will.

    If you take care of the 3 year olds night terrors, then the 9 year old will probably forget about it over time.

    Like I said, talk to thier pediatrician about it.

  12. My son used to see ghosts before he was old enough to have ever heard of them. Kids can see what adults can't see. Nothing you can do to resolve it but hold them close & assure them they are ok.

  13. When my kids were little, the same things would happen to them from time to time.  I ended up putting room darkening shades in their rooms for a while, and that seemed to help a bit; cutting down on shadows on the walls.

    Sometimes it was a case of bad dreams or imagination.  I gave them a focal point; they loved their blankets when they were little, and I told them if they were scared, to put their blankets around them until I got to them, and they would be okay. That also worked.

    As my kids got older, it was realized that they are both sensitives - as are others in my family.  So, some of what they saw and were scared of, were probably something from a paranormal realm.  But what was real and what wasn't, it was hard to say when they were small.

    Try talking with them, if you can, to see if they can describe or maybe even draw what they see.  Whether it is real or not doesn't matter very much, what matters is, is that they are scared and need someone to acknowledge that they are scared and help ease their fears the best way you can.

    I have heard of people having night terrors, but have never experienced it personally, or with my children.  However, it might be something you should research and find out about.

    Good luck, and hope your kids are doing okay.

  14. Do you feel anything when you go in there? When you enter  the room see if you feel benevolence or malevolence.... this is important. It could be one of their spirit guides or it could be that your house is haunted.... the haunting could be good or not so good. Noone will hurt your children but you want to know if you need to send someone to the light or       to ask them to stay and guide.

  15. Yes it's happened to me.Kids wake up and scream.Kids freak out.It's what they do.You need to be careful.You'll scare the kids for one thing.They'll grow up frightened and believing in superstitious nonsense for another.Get a grip,two young kids are a handful.Lots of folks are in your boat.Stop the paranormal silliness.Ask the question at the link below.You might get some real answers.

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