
Kids and their friends?

by  |  earlier

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I take my kids friends with me to go places, when they want to and their kids parents give them money and they expect for me to still pay their way, and dont offer me their money and i feel babd when i ask them for money like i should always be treating or something, then i get irritated when they dont say thank you at the end of the day they just leave. is that wrong also? I also get irritated when you ask them to listen to you on certain things and they dont want to listem because they think i am not their parent. the kids are 9 what do you think




  1. be patient some parents have not taught the  kids manners. So just remind them to say thanku u say "u r very welcome thanku for coming" tech them! When u see improvement it could be exciting

  2. The kids should most definietely be paying for what they are getting. Maybe you can talk to your kids and ask them if they pay for things when they go out with their friends parents. If you dont want to, dont take them out anymore, hahaha

  3. When you invite someone out for meals, movies, ice cream or other activities that cost a fee, you pay.

    When you agree to meet people for the activity, people pay for themselves.

    When you agree to chauffeur and supervise other children to an (uninvited) activity, the parents of those children pay all fees for that activity, and any required expense (gas) that may arise.

    When you are the adult in charge of children then your rules must be followed and obeyed.

  4. well make them pay sometoo and if the dont listen tell them they wont go with you again

  5. You've got to talk to your kid about this. Say, "I don't mind bringing you and your friends places, but they are disrespectful and rude. I'm also not going to pay for them. You need to talk to them about this or I'm not talking you guys places anymore."

    It's what my mom did and it works.

  6. let kids be kids

  7. I think you should have a discussion with these kids.  Tell them that they are welcome to join you and your family on fun outings, but if that is to continue a certain amount of manners/etiquette is required.  Please and thank you is something they should try to say often.  In addition, you are not responsible for them financially.  Their parents gave them money and I'm sure their parents wouldn't appreciate them acting like little leeches.  If they don't listen, have a chat with their parents in hopes of resolving the problem.  If this still doesn't fix the problem, exclude them from an outing or two.  Kids won't learn the rules if you give in or let them make you feel guilty when they test the limits.  They will take advantage of any room you give them.  Its easier to stand up to you in text than it will be to do this in real life.  But seriously, these children's misbehaviors do not have to be a problem unless you allow it.  You are in control.  If you allow them to behave in that manner, you have given them control.

  8. no you have evry right to be irratated!1

    thosae kids shouldnt be that ungratefull!!

    they should at least offer to pay and say thank you!!!!

  9. Tell them straight up, I'm 15 and it happens to me sometimes to, I dont feel bad It's just life, just be friendly about it!!

  10. I think there needs to be rules set for ANY child in your home and your care,  and the children need to know that.  If they can't follow the rules,  they can't come over.  As far as paying for their entertainment,  You could talk to the other childrens' parents directly and ask that the parents give you the money for it, either before,  or after the outing.

  11. Before you invite them, make it clear that they pay for themselves if they want to come. Also remind them to say Thank you as you would if they were yours. If you set out rules before you leave, you should have a happy time, but if you dont enjoy their company dont invite them again

  12. well u know what.. as much as they should pay it will seem so cheap to ask for money... and i know u might wanan offer them advice and u think they should take it but ppl are so rude at times.. u should just not take themm out then... or also invite the parents.. or indirectly make it clear for them to bring there money if it really bothers u that much

    hope this helps :D

  13. dont feel bad. your the one who would get sued if anything happened to them so your the one in charge. if they dont want to listen to you then they dont get to tag along anymore and its something you might want to talk to your own kid about. they may be young now, but they need to have respect for their friends parents

  14. tell em or just treat yours and tell em well u gotta go without  or stop taking them with you they arent your kids if thier parents feel as though they dont hvae to raise em correctly and allow this behavior <id personally put my foot in my kids *** for something such as this>  tell your kid she isnt to see them and that they are slimey moochers and beneath her

  15. I'm 25 and I wouldn't take that kind of attitude from any kids. I have three younger siblings. And growing up, yeah my parents would take my friends and my brothers and sisters places, like out to lunch or something and pay for that.

    But if your doing more then that, yes their parents should pay you some money or do something. There were a few time, that the parents of our friends gave my mom some money for treating their kids or they would take care of any expensive when I was with my friends parents. Sort of a trade off.

    So if the kids are being rude to you, then just don't take them anywhere. I'm sure they'll get the hint. If your paying for their food or a movie ticket the least they can do is say thank you or help you out in some way. My friends did for my mom, as do my siblings friends.

    Hopefully they'll learn to appreciate you.

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