
Kids at the wedding. Ideas to keep them busy?

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So I'm thinking to have some kind of an activity for the kids at the wedding... this way they're all busy (hopefully), instead of bored and running around like crazy and also it'll look pretty on the video.

They'll have some candy but I'm looking for activities for them like making a mask, etc. Nothing with glue or foods or getting dirty...

Any cool ideas? They're all girls under 7years old.

Thanks :)




  1. I have a cousin who is a first grade teacher.  At her wedding reception she had a special corner set for them.  She had little tables and chairs, crayons and colored pencils.  (NO markers or paints) She had several "wedding" coloring books (I think she actually downloaded most of the pictures!)  She also had paper dolls that she had downlaoded that the girls could color themselves and cut out as well as the clothes they could color and cut out.  (ALL wedding themed).  The girls were THRILLED and even a few little boys (I think there were only a few boys there) played at the table too!

  2. if you dont want crayons you can get the color wonders markers by crayola.  they are clear and only write on the special color wonder paper, so no getting messy.  Have them each make you a wedding card!

    Get each girl a disposable camera and a list of things to take photos of

    lots of snacks can keep kids busy

    little toys like polly pockets or littlest pet shop would be a good idea too.

  3. just lock them all up in the cupboard.

  4. At my grandfathers second wedding, my step-grandma got us lunch boxes and filled them with little games and things to do like a tic-tac-toe board and other little games. =]

  5. Please, no hard candy (it's a choking hazard for children 5 and under) and no chocolate. Chewable, soft candy will work best.

    Get some coloring books and crayons from the dollar store and bubbles for out side (if outdoors) that will keep them busy. Hula hoos are safe and girls love them, they are also easy on the pocket.

    Avoid toys with strings (pom poms) jumping ropes (strangulation hazard) and ballons. They are a chocking hazard and you do not want a tragedy at the wedding or become liable. If you have a kids corner their parents may leave them unsupervised, so it's imperative to have toys that are relatively safe.

    Good luck and congratulations

    EDIT: Kids will become bored after a while (they have short attention spans), so even if you do not like crayons (crayons are very safe), I would strongly recommend it because they will keep the kids, quiet, occupied and engaged for a long periods of time. If you have toys, there could be trouble:

    i.e. say, you buy a bunch of dolls, they will start fighting over the dolls, they will cry and throw a tantrum if the other dolls have a dififferent color dress, hair etc...  Also, toys will become instant projectiles and trust me, kids will throw them at each other, at the guests or you when bored or frustrated. Do what you would like, but take this humble advice from some one that has worked/inspected/trained/seen child care facilities for many years. Good luck and congrats.

  6. Take board games.

  7. Well you could hire someone to entertain them

    When I was a little girl, I just enjoyed dancing with the older people and eating the candy and cake.

  8. Brilliant!  Giving kids under seven candy and expecting them to not run around and s***w up your video!

    Obviously, you have no children.

    Kids under the age of seven will have a very, very short attention span and giving them activities is nice, but in the end it will be up to the parents to control them.

    If the parents don't step up then you will have a bunch of girls hyped up on candy running all over.

    The best bet is either adults only if you don't want your video messed up by the kids or just accept the fact that they are kids and developmentally kids under seven have a short attention span and they will need MANY activities (including some with crayons) to keep them occupied!

    Good luck.

  9. Give them flowers and tulle, and let them make you a bouqet to throw at the reception.

  10. I would buy Barbies with wedding dresses and let them recreate the event for themselves. Little girls love Barbies, and they can't get messy from them!

  11. Do you mean at the reception?

    Do you have music?  If you do, then I am sure the girls will LOVE dancing.

    How about board games?

    That is all I can think of, considering you don't want glue, crayons, etc.

  12. I spent about $50 at for stuff to keep kids busy at my Halloween '09 wedding.

    I got them sippy cups that they can color the insert, then put into the cup.

    sliding puzzles (like a flat rubicks cube with a picture on it)

    card games with a halloween theme

    halloween pictures to color (thank heavens for washable crayons; but I'm also giving the venue a white plastic tablecloth for the kids activity table)

  13. Out of the last two weddings I went to one of the receptions was for adults only and the other there was about 8 kids under 7. The adult only reception provided a babysitter for out of town guests children.

    The one with kids was fun in a different way. The DJ had a bubble machine that would blow hundreds of bubbles from time to time. They loved it. They loved dancing too.

    I really think that if you don't want kids running around then you should make it adults only. No matter what activity you set up for them they are not going to what to do it. Kids what to be where the action is and be included in that. That is just my opinion though. Good luck!!

  14. what about a pinyata ?

    or pass the parcel

    that way al the girls can get a little present at the end =]

  15. Little girls like things like Polly Pocket or dolls, that will keep them busy for hours.

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