
Kids born of the same mother, same father, same day, same year minutes apart? ?

by  |  earlier

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It is a brain teaser, two girls born of the same mother and father on the same day, same year, minutes apart, how is this possible?




  1. Happened to this women, and it wasn't twins!!

    **edit**  I figured it was a brain teaser.  So is the answer twins?

  2. What's your question?

    Same parents and birthday makes them twins, except in a few extremely, EXTREMELY rare situations.

  3. Twins...depends how many kids there are, triplets, etc?

  4. What's the question? I guess they would be twins or triplets or quadrooplets or quintuplets or sextuplets, and so on!

  5. that's pretty cool. The case in Grey's Anatomy where the women has two uterus's. Based on medical reality. Rare but it happens.

    the one she is talking about is superfetation.

  6. More than one egg fertilized or either split therefore resulting in twins or more

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