
Kids constant fighting over stupid stuff?

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Any tips on sibling rivalry? I have an 11 year old girl and 9 year old twins - boy and girl. It's mostly the girls, lots of bickering - "don't touch me" - "stop looking at me", it's so annoying!!




  1. Unfortunately we have to just accept that they will fight.  I have three boys--the oldest are 8 and 5 and they fight CONSTANTLY.  It's a rare moment when they're getting along.  I fought with my sister all the time and my husband was the same with his brother.  You'll wear yourself out if you try to play referee all the time--try to let them work it out themselves as much as they can!

  2. If they don't respect eachother, tell them they can't play together

  3. we all done it, its from our caveman days....?

  4. Just punish them. I used to fight  with my older brother when i was young. Once we grew up, we started getting along because we started having some of the same interest. Maybe now because they are young they'll fight alot but when they get older things may change.

  5. I have a 10 and 12 year old girls and boy do I know what you are talking about.  After talking to them when they continue doing it they loose privelages.  Then if still they have to stay in their room together for one day.  That usually stops for a while.  I have even threatened to tie them together for twenty-four hours and they know I am serious.

  6. My 6 year old daughter and her friends are like this. Recently myself and the other parents have told them that we just dont want to hear about it unless someones hurt. Now that they have stopped dobbing on each other and theyve had to sort their bickering out themselves, things have improved greatly and they are bickering far far less. So perhaps if you can distance yourself from it and dont entertain or referee their fighting they will sort it out.

  7. yep, thats kids. mine are the same

  8. welcome to mother hood.  This is how kids act, if you let them just do whatever they want.  They need to be TAUGHT that this is all unnecesary.

  9. isnt it. well ya cant really do anything about it, just punish them or givethem time outs when it gets really bad. but they will grow out of in hopefully soon

  10. you know I have that exact same problem just different ages, 2 girls 7 & 8, & they constantly bicker, I find splitting them up for a while tends to calm them down and stop them from fighting over silly things

  11. they need to learn to respect each other,and learn to get along, do things they both can do will help, and cook foods they can help you cook with.

  12. I think all kids do this.

  13. well you cant do anything about it really. if you tell them to stop they wont. its just something you have to deal with as a mom. but u can set up a game by saying if you go a whole week without bikering they get a prize!

    make life fun! :)

  14. They are kids-they are siblings-they do that, and before long it will stop so enjoy it while you can-- childhood is  wonderful.

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