
Kids copying each other a sign of 'lack of self confidence'?

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My daughter's teacher said that she was very confident. This was in the beginning of the year. I have noticed that she is copying the kids she admires as far as hair and clothes. Also that she will use their sayings. Is trying to fit in mean a lack of self confidence?




  1. Most kids do this. They all want to be alike. Some kids are ahead of the curve on fashion, so she follows their lead.

  2. nope, us teenagers usally imiate each other, we dont even know were doing it most of the time.

  3. No.  She is just mimicking what she thinks is popular.  Think about it, we do the same thing.  We buy things from commercials, make sure our yards look as nice if not nicer than the neighbors, buy decorating magazines and look to models for our fashion.  It's a sign of growing up.

  4. No that doesn't mean anything.  She might just like that particular style.  We all do that.  I get fashion ideas from reading magazines and watching tv, or seeing the mannequins at the store.  It doesn't mean that I lack confidence, it just means I like that particular style and I want to try it out.  

    Your daughter is perfectly fine and perfectly normal.  A lot of grade school kids go through a phase where they want to be just like each other.  Its okay.

  5. not necessarily, could be she just likes the look and feels she wants to look like that too, believe me it could be worse, wait til high school when shes getting secret piercings and tattoos because everyone else is too, and u cant sue the tattoo parlor because she presented an ID... a fake one but an ID still!

  6. It's not only not a sign of poor self-esteem, it's completely normal.  Even adults follow trends.  The key is to continue to notice and encourage her other individual traits. It's the kids that don't have an independent sense of who they are that start making poor choices and following the crowd. Keep the lines of communication open and I'm sure your daughter will be fine.

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