
Kids craft ideas......

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Does anyone know if you can dye pasta in any other way other then using rubbing alcohol? and where do I buy running alcohol if that's the only way? keep hearing to use rubbing alcohol like to clean a wall before applying a sticky on fixture etc but still no idea where to get some from?

Help please?

Oh - in Australia..




  1. firstly big congratulations to you xx in this months free fresh mag from woolies they say to colour pasta mix food colour and water in small tumbler the more water the lighter the colour and it says leave for 5 -10 mins until pasta changes colour then remove and lay on paper towel to dry and theres looks very colourful you might be able to view mag on line also at  

  2. Not sure about the dying pasta part but rubbing alcohol is the same as Isopropyl alcohol, usually comes in little white/see through containers at the local drug store for under $2. Grocery stores have it and department stores like Target/Walmart etc. (not sure if those are in Australia too but if not I'm sure you have something comparable).

  3. I'm in the U.S. You should be able to get rubbing alcohol pretty much anywhere. Do you have any drugstores there? Even a supermarket would have it. That is the only way that I know of and have used before to dye rice & other pastas. It should be fairly easy to find.  
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