
Kids creating art in they own the work they create?

by  |  earlier

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I work at a preschool, and the directors there have been "stealing" my children's art to sell at a fundraiser. When I became aware of this it bothered me to know they had not gotten permission from the parents to take their children's art. From my understanding of laws, once a person creates something, it is theirs (and in the case of a child, because they can not own anything, it becomes their parents) unless they specifically sign something (in the case of a minor, the parent) waiving their rights to the creation. From what I remember this is true even if the materials you use you do not own (but in this case the parents all buy the supplies to share with all the kids anyway). Please direct me to literature I can present to the directors to show them they should get signed releases from the parents before they sell the kids art. Thanks




  1. Your right they(the Directors) don't have the right unless they have the parents permission. I guess they forgot to set a good example of honesty and not to steal.

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