
Kids do the most adorable things?

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What is the most adorable, heartmelting thing your child(ren) has/have ever done?

My 16 month old daughter has just learned the concept of nodding her head for yes and shaking her head for no. Tonight, we were doing the dishes and I turned to her and asked "Are you being a good girl for Daddy?" and she nodded "Yes". Then I said "Are you going to be a bad girl for Daddy?" and she nodded her head yes again. It was so cute and hilarious, we couldn't help but laugh, and she laughed hysterically right along with us.




  1. Once I was crying very hard, I had a fight with my husband on the phone  the kids did not hear, but he really hurt my feelings. My oldest was in 2nd grade and was learning about describing words and handed me a little note card that said. Describing words about my mommy and it listed, smart, beautiful, lovely, perfect. Half of it misspelled, it was by far the sweetest thing I have ever been given. I still carry it in my wallet.

    More along the lines of your daughters age, my youngest was so funny any time we said "do you want to watch basketball?" she would frantically shake her head no, and she did not even know what it was. my hubby loves it and my oldest and I do not, we laughed and laughed. She had really curly hair and her little springy curls would fling all over.

  2. aww my 2 yr old cousin asked to go to the pool with her red ruby slippers and her mom said no and she ran off saying "youre ruining my life"

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