
Kids fighting over things!?

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Ok so the youth at church are mostly from one family and they fight!!!! Not physically, just words and not cooperating! What is the best way to handle these situations and find a peaceful resolution to whatever they are fighting over? I hate to threaten to take things away and really want the best solution to teach them to share and work things out. I know it will take time, but give me some tips to get started!!!




  1. Kids will fight with words or with fists.  If you try to intervene too much it may make things worse.  As long as their words are not abusive and not disrupting class or whatever activities are going on, just let them work things out on their own.

    I'm from a huge family and we often had words (I hate you, I'm never going to play with you again, etc, 15 minutes later we would be playing together just like nothing had ever happened)  I have my own children who are young adults and allowed them to work out their differences without much intervention.  

  2. Since it's a church group, start with "Blessed are the peacemakers" and then run some practice situations of fake arguments and let them verbalize how to come to a peaceful resolution.  Then  be on the lookout for kids who are using their words to reduce arguments and fighting praise them.  You can pick or let the kids nominate a Peacemaker of the Day (they have to say why that person deserves the award).

    While I was out on maternity leave, my substitute instituted "Proceedures for Conflict Resolution": 1) If you offend, amend. 2) Forgive.

  3. ground them?

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