
Kids getting scared?

by Guest61328  |  earlier

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A friend of mine been living at her house over 7 yrs. She always have known there's an old lady who's been around her family. They were never scared of her. She had her house blessed before. So recently old lady brought another and its a little kid. My friend's son ( 8yrs old ) claimed to have seen this kid who suppose to have a scar on his face ( which I guess makes it scarier) but this kid keeps visiting her son and he's getting really really scared....They also woke up one morning and there's a HAPPY FACE drawn on the wall....I asked my friend's 4 yr old daughter about this ghost....I asked her how he/she looked like....she says ghost look like he's kinda getting mad...Any advice ?

Old lady lived in the house and died there....there's also 2 others around and now there's a kid.




  1. I'm with clcalifornia--tell the spirits out loud to leave. Be kind but be firm. Leave me and my family alone. You don't belong here anymore, This is my house now and it's time for you to move on. Go into the light now. You might also say a prayer for them if you're religious at all, and ask that an angel escort them.

    mmm, am hearing you/they need to burn candles as well. Show the spirits what the light looks like by burning candles when you speak to them. You can burn some incense as well if you like. Franincense (or frankincense and myrrh) is a very clearing fragrence, so that only those who are of the light can stand the scent. It'll protect the home.  

  2. Sounds like the kids have a ghost to blame their mischief on.Adults have a responsibility not to scare kids.Involving them in spooky nonsense is bound to cause trouble.Tell the kids to behave and stop talking about spooky old ladies and ghosts in front of them.

  3. The kid that is getting scared needs to be told that the next time he sees something that is scary to yell "go away and don't come back" Tell the child that will take care of it. It could be power of suggestion or it just might be telling the paranormal visitors to leave.

    Also, the mom can say out loud something like."Go away, leave my kids alone, leave all of us alone . You don't belong here anymore, go away and don't ever come back"

    My two and a half yr old grand son had first seen a little girl sitting in his dads lap. And then occasionally got very scared and my daughter told him to tell  the little girl to go away. He did and that same day my daughter felt someone walk past her in the bathroom, She was looking in the mirror and didn't see anyone behind her. She spoke loudly---- "go away and never come back, you don't belong here anymore. leave us alone"

    The little spirit has never been seen again.

  4. It is time for a professional. I'd call the local paranormal investigators.

    This little episode isn't starting off very well. With children involved the time to act is immediate. Especially since things may have manifested in a poor behavior problem or and by your accounts it does sound demonic.

    I wouldn't be surprised to hear that there is a doorway open and the energy from the children had brought something they really didn't want. So typical to be disguised as a child too. Nope, I'd get help quickly.

  5. well do you know what the other one is besides the kid and the lady is? if it's a demon then it's using the kid as disguise. the old lady may be trying to protect your friend and her family from the demon. that is if the third spirit is in my category ghost. i have two categories one is spirit people those who aren't in the physical any more and my ghost category is demons and poltergiests.

  6. Sounds like your filling your childrens heads full of nonsense. Adults should know that ghosts dont exist.

  7. OOooh leave there or else


  8. uhmm.. move!

  9. Ghosts: the ultimate scapegoat in a family that believes in supernatural nonsense.

  10. I am gearing towards the idea that the kids were brought up in a household of hearing about ghosts being in their home.

    So when the kids do something irresponsible (drawing on the wall, breaking things), they can turn around and say the ghost did it.
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