
Kids going back to school, do you get annoyed that you are constantly reminded about going back to school?

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Just wondering, it never really bothered me, but I see a lot of kids get annoyed with it now. If so, why or why doesn't it bug you?




  1. yea.. it does bother me.. in fact right now my mom is talking to me about what lunch i'm going to pack... and how expensive lunch is.. and bluh bluh bluh... ughh it gets so annoying! now shes goinh on about my sarcastic humor....


  2. no

  3. yah it bugs me alot

    cus like i would wna enjoy the time that i have in summer,  not think about school, which i go to for like a YEAR or something, and i only get a break from it all for what, one - two months?

    obviously i get bugged by that


  4. I never did get annoyed. Yet I can see why people do get annoyed. Seriously, stores like Target and Walmart rely on it too seriously. Stores like those put up ads in the stores and decorations to match the "back to school theme" in mid-July. I'm going to high school (freshman) on Wednesday, and I just went through a busy 8th grade year. Its a good thing that there's summer vacation. Yet, stores, ads on the internet, and even my parents always remind me of school, which is not good. My parents are now, too, enforcing a bed time and not letting me use the computer after ten, which is ridiculous since they have been enforcing that unjust rule in mid-summer. Now, they're not even coming to check on me, which I find embarrassing, and its almost time to go back to school! It'd be nice to get away from school for a while at least. Stores should only put their "back to school" theme around the school supply section, not everywhere. Parents should not be reminding their kids about school every so often, and just in general, no one should be making a big deal out of it. Sheesh, its just going back to school. Why place ads everywhere on the internet, which constantly remind kids about the hard work school gives?

  5. it does and it doesn't because it does because school every one is saying oh i got this and this and like i got this sneaker so its annoying also the fact of seeing the jackass's of my school and it doesn't because school you get to see all your friends,do fun stuff,and just hang out for like 8 hours so yea

  6. yeah it bugs me cuz they start talking about it at the begining of august i was like what the heck we have another month and people are always talking about it and all the catalogs have back to school clothes in july i was like jeez shut up and wait till like the seond week of august

    i dont wanna go back to school!

  7. Definitely. I hate all the constant reminders from fliers, TV ads, and, of course, in-store advertisements.

    I work really hard during the school year (I'm a university student) and I really look forward to my four-month summer break. Even though it's been 4 months, it still doesn't seem like enough; I'm simply enjoying the summer too much. I know that returning to school will be tantamount to returning to an academic h**l-hole. I work really hard to get good grades and to keep up my scholarship, and it gets stressful for me everyday. I hardly have anytime to relax. During those times of stress when all I can think about is how much I have to do, I quickly lose sight of the simple pleasures of life. That's what summer is for - being lazy and indulging yourself.

    So, yeah, it's annoying and frustrating to be bombarded with constant reminders that school will once again (and soon enough) be upon us again.  

  8. Yah! I does. My mom is constantly telling me that I need ti got to sleep earlier. I means she says it EVERYTIME she sees me!

  9. Not really. What really pissed me off is when I see commercials for Back To School sales at the end of July/beginning of August.

  10. i get annoyed only because its like a constant reminder from parents and relatives or friends. Its like i just want to enjoy the rest of my summer without having to worry about school, or the mean kids who are there. i want to hang out with my friends and not worry about what shoes to get or if i should get a backpack or a tote in what designer or color, or what color school supplies (ect.)

  11. Even though I'm out of college, the back-to-school commercials and constant reminders bombarding me got annoying.  Truth be told, they still are.  Then, there was all the older people asking if I'm ready to go back to school.  I didn't want to be rude, but school now is totally different than when they went (and probably even more different since I graduated) and I didn't really enjoy spending most of my days there with people who hated me and mocked me all the time, those who were only nice when they needed my help because they were too lazy to do their own work, and then the few friends I did have (who made it worth the hassle).  Then, there was the hours of homework and the lack of sleep and decent cafeteria food.

    As for those of you who have posted about the back-to-school ads starting in mid-July, I'm guessing most of you haven't started school before Labor Day.  I always had to start the first week in August.  No lies.  I'd already been in the classroom almost a whole month before most of you had your first day.  We usually got out around the first week in June, thanks to winter weather.  But seriously, if you haven't started back yet, you're lucky that you got a long vacation.

  12. yes back to school does bother me.  Now it starts just after school ends.  The ads are up the commericals are on.  Today is the day before school starts and Walmart was more crowded then during Christmas.  The are you ready for school starts gets on my nerves and I am the teacher so I know it must get to the students.  LET EVERYONE ENJOY THEIR SUMMER PLEASE!!!!!!

  13. you guys should not complain about school i had to go back aug 7 tell me that did not suck  

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