
Kids golf. is form important or should they just have fun ?

by  |  earlier

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please answer if you play and have a good personal knowledge of golf. no general philosophical answers please




  1. enjoy the game is the secret

  2. Form is kind of important because it's not very fun when you can't hit the ball, but just always let them have fun!

  3. Both is important.  They need to begin practicing good fundamentals, but also have fun at the same time.

  4. Golf is fun when you are playing good, anyways teach good form early it is easier to learn then when the kid gets older

  5. my dad used to be a pro and he taught me perfect form. and i turned out to be a 4 handicap at 14. if you want them to be a pro or even half way decent teach them form. and this is just my opinion but if your really good at golf it is WAY more fun than just wacking it around with no goals. golf teaches you valuable life lessons.

  6. It really depends on how old the kids are. If they are under 8 I would give them the basics (feet alingnment, set at the top).

    As they get older you can give more directions depending on their level of interest. Don't burden them to the point of they want to quit. The key would be to offer instruction as they are interested or willing to accept.

  7. Any sport becomes more fun if one is schooled in the fundamentals of the game. In golf, form is a primary requisite. One is taught how to hold a club, where to stand in relation to the ball and how to swing in balance. You don't give a child an adult club and let him swing off balance. Get some thing his size and let him have fun. He learns to tee up the ball. He will swat a few in the back yard, a couple finding their way through the basement windows. But it is a learning process. Then when age permits and the country club approves a minimum age limit, expose him to the real thing.

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