
Kids keep going on moter bikes on the back feild are the police allowe to chase them???

by  |  earlier

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ive got a feild at the back of my house and kids keep going up and down i want to know were i stand with the police to try and stop them ???




  1. The police don't care.

  2. if its your field, get them for trespassing, if not you could call the police and tell them the kids are keeping you awake and this is your sleep time.  Otherwise keep an eye on them and watch for when they come and leave they have to cross public property someplace and call then.  Have you tried talking to the kids??  Sometimes that works best, I know it did when I was a kid doing stupid stuff.  I'd much rather have someone talk to me about it than have the police show up.

  3. If it's your property and you want them gone then yes, the police can help you.  If it's not your property then you really don't have a dog in the hunt.  It is up to the property owner to have police enforce trespassing.

  4. if its your property , post no tresspassing signs ~ and if that does not work shoot them, but if its not your property let them have fun !

  5. depends on jurisdiction. Some places have a no chase policy. if chasing a person will create more of a hazard to the public and property, they aren't supposed to chase. The could just follow them and try to identify so you can pursue action for trespassing.

  6. Complain to a adult about it and maybe they can do something

  7. take your geritol,put on your depends....and let the kids have fun,60 years ago you were young too,didnt you ever take your horse and buggy on anyone else's property ?

    it seems that everyone has at least one cranky old neighbor who doesnt like kids....sounds like you're it for your 'hood

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