
Kids on leashes; Like it or hate it?

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I work in the mall and I see alot of parents that have their toddlers on funny little leashes. It kinda looks like the child is more of a pet than their kid. Anyways, I was just curious what everyone thinks of this?




  1. I think it's fine if it's needed. I've just never needed one. I would use one, though, if I had a need to.

  2. If you put your child on a leash, they are less likely to get into danger. You don't have to hold their hand or carry them. The children will learn where their boundaries are and not run off as much (at least that's what my mom told me I did.) Leashes are not inhumane!

  3. I never used one, but whats so hard about sitting the kid in grocery basket or if ur walking use a stroller. Better yet, hold their hand.

    Its just tacky I think

    What if u have more than 1 kid, do u put them all on leashes??

    Thats an image.

  4. I have to admit they make me cringe.  I don't like to see them but I am not the parent of that child.  I would not use one for my children but I try to be open and not critical of other's parenting methods.  If a parent feels they need one for their child who I am to judge?

  5. I don't like it at all because it makes it seem as if the child was a pet because pets where leashes. I think it isn't a good idea to put that on any kid because you can still watch your child without having a leash.

  6. I don't really like it--it tells me that the parents need to work on some disciplining and behavioral issues before taking their kids out in public so their children learn to obey their voice commands.  Or they need to carry their child or use a stroller.  However, I do know there are some toddlers who are very difficult to control and keep near you.  (hence, the stroller idea!)  I have 4 kids under 5, and when I go out in public with them without my husband, I put the 2 year old and the 3 year old in the double stroller.  I put the 8-month-old in an umbrella stroller and the 5-year-old pushes her.  If the 5-year-old gets too crazy, we leave.  Simple as that.

  7. I agree it depends on the child. If you have a young child that doesn't listen when called, you need to use the leash to keep them safe from running into a dangerous situation. I have three children and used it on one and only because two of them are 14 months apart and it isn't feasible to run after a child with an infant in my arms. I felt secure knowing that my daughter was safe while we were in public places.

    Note, it isn't a leash. It is a harness designed to give a parent some freedom of movement while they are attending to other children or situation. Holding hands doesn't always work because many children including my own liked to pull the "stop, drop, and pull away" method and then go off where they wanted to go and I didn't want to be that parent saying in an irritating sweet tone "Don't walk away from me (enter child's name), or come back (enter child's name),  I'm warning you (enter child's name),  GET BACK here (enter child's name)!" Annoying the people around while they are thinking "Good Lord, why doesn't she have him on a harness?" or "Why can't she control her kid?" Some times it isn't that easy to control a child that is under the age of 3. LOL

    This item is a godsend to parents with more than one child or a child with special needs such as ADD or Austim.

  8. I can't stand it & never did it with my son, teach your child the danger of running off & believe me, they won't do it ! Plus part of being a parent is watching your child, if you watch them well enough you will

    not need them hooked to a leash to do it.

  9. They are not leashes.  They are safety harnesses that give a toddler Independence yet keep them close.  I think strapping a kid in a stroller is worse.

  10. I don't see why there are some people that are so against it that they get nasty and just down right rude. I have heard people on here say to just watch your kid. Well you know what? Sometimes it is not always that simple. When my son was about 2 we went to Disneyland and he had an Elmo harness and we used it because the place is so huge, and it is easy to get distracted and especially when you have an excited child that tries to pull away from you, and other kids' on top of that.

    I think I would rather see a child on a harness out in public than get kidnapped or ran over by a car.

    What is the difference really between that and a stroller when they can walk? A stroller is confining as well, and some kids twist around in them and lean foward and almost tip the things over. I think if you are trying to do something to take extra precautions that your child wont be in harms way then good for you.

    To the people who don't like it, you can pack your kid around all day or let them run loose. You take care of your kid and I will take care of mine.

    EDIT: Obeying voice commands? Now that is treating a child like a dog. It is not as simple as disciplining your child. It is hard to reason with a two year old, even if they know to stay by you, hello?! They are two! In a crowded public place I don't see any reason to feel bad for using one.

    Older kids that can be reasoned with can walk next to you or hold your hand. Do you really want to take the chance in crowded big city that your child is going to respond to, "COME"  "STAY" or whatever your "voice commands" are?  I would rather not test out my discipline and know that my child is safe. Of course just at regular places that aren't so crowded they can hold your hand or walk next to you, but if a parent thinks that they need one as an extra precaution, why would people think it is so bad? I don't see any difference with a stroller.

  11. Love it. I'm a mother of four and had to get one for our youngest. He had no interest in sitting in a stroller and would use every chance to get away. It was a safety issue for us. We used it when he was two, when he turned three he had more self control and didn't need it. Keeping your child safe in a very active and face paced world is more important than anything. Each child is different, my other kids didn't run off at every possible opportunity.  

  12. I never liked it before I had children.  I would draw the same comparisons with animals like others do.  I have to admit that when we go out to places that are very crowded I use one for my 3 year old.  I am not lazy.  I watch my children.  My child thinks it's fun and he has more freedom than he would if he had to hold my hand.   It's better than a stroller because my  son is still getting exercise.  But the main reason I use it in crowded busy places is because if someone wants to take my child, they'll have to take me right along with him.  

  13. i use to hate it i would think it was worng but my baby started waking abd also haveing a 6 month old i tryed it and it was ok i didnt use the one they put on the baby back i use the one the going on the hand i think that one looks better the the other one

  14. Not something I do, or ever used, but I totally respect that a parent has concern enough to always be in arms reach of their child. If it saves a live, I'm for it.

  15. i used one on my son and it was great when we went places that we couldn't take a stroller so he could walk and not stray off and be kidnapped or hurt. And many kids refuse to sit in a stroller I would much rather see them with a harness on and walking calmly than screaming and throwing a fit being shoved into a stroller.

  16. so I assume you think a child in a crib looks more like a pet as well? Kind of resembles a cage right? There are a lot of things parents use to keep their children safe that you could look at as resembling a pet. Some parents wopuld rather their child be safe than get lost or taken. I used the wrist to wrist "leash" a few times myself. My first born was twins and when they were two I had a newborn. When we would go to the aquarium where it is dark and crowded I would use the leashes on the twins and the stroller for the baby. This way the twins could walk around and look at everything while still being safely close to me. I've never met a kid who didn't love them. They like the freedom rather than being locked in a stroller. What's the difference really and why would you care? I wouldn't use one for a child over the age of 3 though, I think by then you should be able to keep them close without one.

  17. HAtE IT! It annoys me that a parent cant watch their child so they just put them on a leashe....It makes you and you child look like an idiot

  18. If it keeps them out of stuff, and connected to mom , I'm all for it...

    I think they should make it mandatory until they are about twelve, because most people let their children run wild in stores....

  19. I have 3 kids and I never used a leash with my kids but my nephew on the other hand if I didn't use it he would tear up everything in sight. So I say it depends on the kid.

  20. Well before I was a parent, I hated it.  Then I took my 21 month old daughter to the zoo with my husband.  We had a tough time controlling her and keeping her safe while at a small zoo.  I can't image if we were at a big crowded mall or a amusement park especially if we had more than one small child.  So although, I don't love the idea, if it keeps a kid safe then a leash is what is needed.  Safety first.

  21. hate it. It's embarrassing for the kid and makes the parent look mean. If your kid is so A-D-D that you need to put a leash on them, then maybe you should up your parenting skills and keep a more watchful eye or just don't bring your kid with you everywhere you go if you know you can't watch them!

  22. They are good and bad ny mom had them for my cousin and I (We were little hellions). I use it with my two year old, and he loves it (also a backpack).

  23. I think it should be considered neglect to not have a small child on a leash or in a stroller in crowded places

    my daughter is to old for a stroller so if we are in a crowded place I take a leash for her  

  24. Wow, after reading some of these responses, I have to reply.  I use a harness system with my kids, and I am NOT a bad parent, I would just rather be safe then sorry.  I only use them when we go to big events where there are lots of people, and it isn't because my kids don't listen, it is because this way, if somebody tries to snatch them, they are attatched to my wrist.  With three kids, and two hands, it is easier that way.  And to the person who said leave them at home, HELLO, that is stupid.  You would go to jail for that.  You act as if it is so easy!  I don't know anybody to hire to babysit, so I have to take my kids in public!

    As far as a stroller goes, sometimes that is not an option.  When we go to the local fair or parade, there are WAY too many people to take a stroller, the harnesses are a TON easier!

    EDIT: In response to Lucy, it is safer for my kids to be on a harness than the cart, because my kids will climb out of the cart.  We learned this the hard way when they tipped it over !  So again, I would rather be safe than sorry!  And I have three, two of them on harnesses, and one either in a front carrier, or in the cart.

  25. I don't love it or hate it, I use one for Thomas's safety regardless of how its looks its there to keep him close so her doesn't run off or get hurt Thomas is 10 and has severe autism he is also non verbal and isn't aware of danger, personally i don't see them as terrible if the shopping centre  is busy i think its best gives little ones a bit of freedom without being in a pushchair

  26. Hate it. I would be embarrased to be on a little leash, even if i was 3 or 4. Kids aren't animals, if they don't listen and stay with you can't just put a little leash on them like you would a dog, you have to teach them not to run off. Unlike animals they actually understand you when you tell them to do something, and if they still don't do something they obviously don't respect you, and a little leash won't change that.

    Besides, it looks stupid.

  27. hate it!

    i had to have one when i was like 5 and my mom and dad took me to disney land. it is not evil, it is just so the kids don't get lost....but still

  28. I despise it! I think people should put their kids in buggies or hold their hands rather than toting them around on leashes.  

  29. well I would not use one if it was un necessary..that said, I think for some children and parents it is a good thing. I mean if a mother has several young children..which is a growing trend..she may need the extra help keeping one of them from running are good at that..even when it comes to the best of moms. I have never had to use one, but if my child was prone to wandering off, I would rather challenge controversy than have a missing kid.  

  30. I never actually put a child on a leash. I got one of those baby pouches that go in the front. Their good for large places, like malls, beaches. I use those baby pouches today, they have double now. So i use them for my 3 week old and 2 year old and their never out of sight :)

  31. They're a blessing! I have 3 sons and if the youngest wants to walk then to have reigns on him is the only way I can keep all of them nearby (otherwise we'd all be running after the wee one if he wiggles free of my hand...Which he does now and then!). i don't see any problem with them-they're not causing the child any pain at all, if anything they are good for safety as hand holding isn't al;ways successful with wriggly and tempremental toddlers!

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