
Kids punishment after something bad

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What are some BAD things your child has done that got them into big trouble that really made you mad? What was their punshiment? D id they say they hated you or tried to run away?




  1. Well it depends on the gravity of the thing they did. the first thing that you should do after you have calmed down, is go and talk to your kid. Let them see why it is that you reacted in a particular way, because they might not see it straight away. Make them see that you love them and forgive them for what they have done, even if they still get punished. and never, under circumstances hit your child (i'm not saying that you do).

    For example, my kids were playing in the living room by throwing around stuffed animals. One of the stuffed animals hit a bottled ship that a friend of mine had given me for my wedding. At first i was really mad and dissapointed, but then i went and talked to them and made them see why it is that i reacted that way. A few days later my son gave me a mini bottled ship that he had bought on a school trip that day, and said to me that maybe that one could replace the one that broke.

  2. one of the really bad things my 2 yr old daughter has done was was take the blinds cord and wrap it around her neck i put her over my knee like i was going to spank i didnt really spank her but the threat was there anyway she cried a little and then i put her down and explained to her what she did wrong and why it was dangerouse to do that and she hasnt done it since then  

  3. My son is in a back-talking and not listening (or doing chores without being reminded) phase...

    He used to be the perfect child! He did his chores, took care of his younger sister and LOVED being helpful - he was the little man of the house!

    Anyhow - the only thing that has worked to straighten this "new personality" out is to take things from him... for example: the playstation in his room or his bicycle (his freedom)

    I keep them until he has done everything (like he used to) for TWO DAYS and then he has earned them back.

    And, yes, he often says he's moving out (he's 11yo)

  4. Recently my child had gone through a series of non stop screaming that seems to make me pretty angry and it's over everything, mad at a toy, being confined to a car seat, stroller, shopping cart, high chair.  I finally bought some ear plugs that I wear on a daily basis and if he screams because he's upset I typically will try to talk and cuddle him once he's calmed down, if he screams because I told him no, then I have the advantage of ignoring him because it's difficult to completely rationalize with a two year old.  He's not old enough to say he hates me or run away but how he acts can be just as bad such as throwing, kicking the wall, and the fun thing lately spitting.

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