
Kids school holidays driving you mad

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Everyone keeps asking me if the kids are driving me mad yet and look at me weird when i say that there not and im enjoying having them at home is there something wrong with me lol .

Anyone else love having them at home




  1. I'm ready for my six year old to go back to school.  Just three more weeks...  LOL  I really enjoyed having her home all summer though.  She doesn't bother me any.  I just know she's bored and needs some new stimulation.  That, and her sister would like her space back.  LOL!

  2. I do love having them at home (I also love a few hours away from time to time!).  The only part of the holidays bothering me is that they are going quickly.  My 4 yr. old twins start Junior Kindergarten in Sept.  and although they are excited, I'm not sure I'm ready for them to go.  I think it will be harder on me than it will be on them.

  3. No! everyone wish they are like you! Most people go crazy with kids running everywhere...

  4. its been fine

    until today when my 2 year old lost her teddy at the seaside  

  5. My daughter is 6 and I LOVE having her home, I hate it when she goes to school, her brother and I miss her so much! I am not looking forward to 2 weeks from now when she goes back. I hear other parents say they cant wait till school goes back but I think it is just so they can hear themselves talk! I have told my daughters sunday school that she will only be coming every other week instead of every week when school starts because she needs to have her family time, I know their isnt anything wrong with me, my children are what I wanted and what I am raising them to be and they are a joy for me to be with and so, having the need to see my Reyna works just fine for me,

  6. I dont know about it driving me mad, but I do know its costing me a fortune !. Why dont you try things like plasticine, play doh and balloons. they are keeping my 2 quite happy and there 13 and 14 LOL. It will keep them busy and they dont cost too much (thankfully)

  7. i have 4 girls, at first i sent the 2 young ones 5 and 6 to holiday club but after a week i realised that i actually miss them and i enjoy havingg them around they make me laugh.

    so to answer your question no there is nothing wrong with you.  just enjoy your time with them.  You will cherish these memories forever.

  8. I do, I have three and I work at a school, so to have MY children with me is lovely!!

  9. I love having my girls at home. Even though they argue and fight most of the time!

    sisterly love!!

  10. My daughter is almost two so she doesn't go to school yet. But I love having her at home with me.

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