
Kids tackling global issues?

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Do you think it's nessicariy for kids to be promoting charties and such on making global warming noticed and making causes to prevent it. I heard a lot about skeptics opnions that global warming not even exsiting so I want to know from your point of view, do you think it's worth it? Why kids though, qhy isn't the government putting more funding into global warming issues if it's that big a problem. . .




  1. Baccheus has it exactly right.

    it's the kids who have the most to lose.

    this greedy generation, that won't vote for a politician that doesn't promise a tax cut doesn't care.

    clearly co2 is rising, as is global temperature.

  2. There is a big push to educate or indoctrinate [depending on which side of the Global Warming science you believe] the youth of the world.  Massive amounts [billions] are being spent on furthering our knowledge of our environment.  Most of it is being paid for by the many promoters of Global Warming is man made.  

    There are some activist groups out there that have paralyzed the our ability to move to new sources of energy that crate no impact on global warming.  It is the NIMB factor.  Not In My Backyard.  No family wants a power plant 10 miles from their house no matter how safe, clean, green, or whatever.  That is our dilemma.


  4. Kids can clean up the smog and pollution but they can't do jack abt climate change.

  5. There are no skeptics.  There are scientists who put the probability at over 90% that most warming is man caused and you can read the evidence if you want.  There are also ameteurs and oil company hacks on YA.  Look for the credible experts.

    It is the kids who have the most to lose.  Adults have decided that our current wealth is more important than our kids' future - so it is up to the kids to save their own world.

  6. No, normal people shouldn't have to constantly pander to the crazy religious right because of their silly conservative, anti-evolution, and pro-big business rhetoric. They can deny whatever theories they want, but we shouldn't have to censor said theories because of that.

  7. Because so when they grow up they'll know what not to do and what to do.

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