
Kids think im retarded?

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Ok for some on the first day of school my teacher told the class that i had a "learning disorder" that makes me crave attention and disrupt the class.which is completely false i dont have any learning disabilities and now my classmates think im freakin retarded. why would my teacher do that? (I was being tested for some sort of disorder at the time and the results showed that i had no learning disabilites of any kind) ive tried to tell them im not mentall challenged but they just say "whatever"... I am hating my teacher for messing up my reputation...




  1. To begin with your teacher had no right to do that. Go and see your principal or get your parents to so that something gets done.

    As it was your teacher that said it you're probably going to have to put up with it as they would be more likely to believe the teacher than you.

    You could bring in your test results and show the other students what the tests said, or you could ask them to recall a time when you craved attention or disrupted the class. If they can't name one which doesn't have a reasonable explanation behind it (like the teacher was ignoring you, you were trying to get through to someone, someone was teasing you) then that pretty much saids that you're not.

  2. Ur teacher is a f-a-g for doing that u should start rumors about ur teacher and give ur teacher a bad rep. You couldnt be retarded u spell perfectly fine

  3. Oh my goodness this teacher has seriously over stepped his/her mark, as this is a breach of confidentiality, as no teacher should ever talk to students about another students leaning disability or any other matter without your permission.

    I would tell you parents and have them talk to the schools principal and councilor, and ask the teacher to please explain themselves, even demand an apology. I would also ask that the students are given the correct information about you, and that any sort of bullying will not  be tolerated.

    Being that the teacher has said this to the class it can be deemed as slander, therefor leaving them open to being sued for defamation, which may have caused you undue stress and victimization & bullying from your peers.

    However this has to be proven, so you will need students who are willing to be witnesses to what was said about you.

    Please talk to the school. I wish you luck.

  4. if this is true-

    sounds like your teacher violated your confidnetiality whcih is illegal

  5. omg i know what you are talking about... my hubby went through the same c**p.. go to the principle/administrator tell your parents or you could get really serious and sue.. they had absolutely no right.. its no one elses business... of course he went through it in the 80's but he did have one.. still its bad teachers like that that make children hate school.. good luck.. and i hope you get it straight with the teacher..

  6.'re teacher was not right by saying what she said.  I can only imagine how embarassing that was for you.  I think some teachers don't think before they say something and most have good intentions, but sometimes it just comes out wrong.

      This is my advice for you.  PROVE HER WRONG!  Study hard, get good grades, obey the rules, and be respectful of your teacher and classmates.  Don't engage in attention getting activities.

      Getting angry is not going to help you.  Prove the teacher wrong by following the rules and getting good grades.  Good luck!

  7. Report this b*tch to the school board because she had no right saying what she said about you and even if you did have a learning disability she STILL CANNOT tell everyone that you have a learning disability. It is ABSOLUTELY NONE of anyone's freaking business, especially your classmates!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I think this question should be asked of the principal. For some psych 101 advise, tell the kids " I had a bad day", Keep it light and don't let them pin you down. I remember I always kept smiling and thought I was the neatest guy in the school. Even if I wasn't. Sincerely, Skip M.

  9. Sue her. She cant do **** like that. Tell your parents or an administrator. Thats completely wrong and she should pay for it.

  10. Your parents need to go as high up as possible within your school/school system and report your teacher!  That was a breach of privacy this is not too dissimilar to a breach in a HIPAA policy.  If you'd gone to a private practitioner to be tested and word had leaked, that private practitioner would probably be (at least) reprimanded by the board that certifies him/her.  This teacher should face similar discipline.  As for the jerks that are bothering you; that's not going away until the next 'big scandal' breaks.  The more they believe they are bothering you, the more they will continue.  You have to be able to ignore them.  Good Luck!

  11. This is the kind of teacher that gives good teachers a bad name. Your teacher was completely out of order--because even if you did have a disorder (I'm not saying you do) it's not her responsibility to disclose that information to the class. If her behavior is upsetting to you (which I'm sure it is) you need to inform both your parents and the school principal. That kind of behavior is unacceptable and unnecessary. Good luck--and don't worry, soon your classmates will get tired of making fun of you and move on to something else.

  12. Report your teacher to his or her immediate superior. It is completely inappropriate and ILLEGAL to divulge someone's personal medical information and if you don't have a disorder then it's known as 'slander.' Theres a pretty good chance you have a lawsuit on your hands here.

  13. Sue her! It's illegal to say things like that whether it's true or false (especially if it's true, but even so..). Don't worry about what the other kids think, in the meantime. I'm guessing you're middle-school age?

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