
Kids with g*y parents! read, please! :)?

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me and my girlfriend, are thinking about raising a family in the near future, but she's afraid of what our kids, would think of us.

so we would really appreciate it, if you could give us your inside look on having g*y parents.

thank you :)




  1. being with the love of your life, raising a family together,  walking together in the path of life, and trying each other hardest to be together and make thing's work; that is what being together all about. It doesn't matter whether you are black, white, yellow, red, g*y, straight, trans, whatever. No couple is perfect, no one is perfect, we all try our best to make the best of it. Tell your your girlfriend to stop being worry about thing that is beyond her control because that is out of her hand. she cannot control how people think about her, even her child. lots of time, we can only follow our instinct and believe that we make the best of it to live a happy life for yourself and for the people we love.  

  2. sure but have a child of your owen give birth to it get fertility treatment

  3. the kids are most likely to turn out g*y but it would be good to have a father figure around.. alot. so yeah it will seem more normal

  4. as long as you dont abuse your kids youll be fine

    children of g*y parents grow up the same way kids of straight couples

    Go for it ...I'm really quite happy for you and your gf

  5. I was raised by both my mother and my father until i was 11 then they got divorced. My dad came out about a year later and, up until about 6 months ago, i had been living with my Dad and his boyfriend. I know it's a bit different because i was still raised by a mother and father but, technically, i was still raised by a g*y man and had to come to terms with him being g*y.

    It didn't take long for me or my brother to just get over it. Your parents are your parents regardless of what they do and my parents raised my brother and i to be pretty much indifferent to sexual orientation (i hate to use the word "tolerant"). The point is that, unless kids are raised in a way that teaches them to be intolerant and hateful towards g*y people, they really don't care because you teach them your values. If I was cool with my dad being g*y after thinking he was straight for 11 years, i'm sure your future children will just think it's normal and be fine with it.

    I know my opinion is kind of biased because i'm g*y, but my brother is straight and he's cool with my dad being g*y. In fact, he cared less than i did. It really doesn't make much difference having g*y or straight parents, it's just the values that you teach them.

    The important thing to remember though, is that there is probably a chance that they will be teased at school when they're older. My brother and i never were but my dad saw a councellor to learn how to cope with it if we ever were. It would probably be a good idea to do the same, but you wouldn't have to worry about that until they were older.

  6. Go for it, most people say that the child would be embarrassed etc. But honestly if you both love him/her with all your heart nothing else matters. Good luck.

  7. There are at least as many dysfunctional families which involve a man and a woman as there are with L*****n/g*y partners. Don't sweat the small stuff.

  8. It will be very good and fine

  9. look u cant suger coat the truth be honest loving n open i personally like g*y bi les trans ne thing ppl ur  a human being be happy with ur girlfriend and future kids who cares if ppl think its not normal theres so many worse things then having 2 moms or dads thats y im for g*y marriage and g*y pride

  10. I'm very conservative regarding this matter.  I still believe that children should be raised in a "normal" environment - that is with a loving father and mother - to avoid confusion for the child, especially while growing up!

  11. I would think that if you raised your kids right and in a loving environment then they would love and respect you both.  

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