
Kids(7,9 yrs) auditioning for school plays, I'm clueless! Help!?

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My kids (7 and 9 years) have decided to audition for 2 schools plays that will be spoofs on popular fairy tales. Audition is on Monday and they can come prepared with a scene or will get one at audition. Play's script will only be given to those selected. Not available online/library. No time to ask teacher about these ?s. Appreciate any input:

1. About how long shld the kid's audition scene last? 1min? more? less?

2. If the scene my kid selects is from a play, does she only perform the lines of HER character, or read lines of ALL characters from the scene?

3. Does the scene have to be from a PLAY, or if we can find a story with dialogs, she can perform the dialog parts?

4. Can they just read out portion of a humorous fairy tale?

Any tips on elementary school plays audition appreciated.

I am totally clueless. Thanks!!!




  1. Here are a couple sites with monologues for children.

    Check with your local library also for books of monologues.


  2. I have been in many plays and they should use a line from the play and the must have feeling and not afraid to show the world what they have got and the should be well practiced before the "big day" they will need a lot of sleep the night before

  3. The audition should take less than 5 minutes per kid.

    She will perform only her lines.  Either the teacher or you or someone you bring along for that purpose or someone the teacher has there for that purpose will do the other lines.

    The scene can be anything.  It doesn't have to be a play.  The point is to show that the kid can memorize lines and act with some expressivness and without fear.

    If she shows that she can act as if she is feeling fear, anger, longing, joy or any two emotions, she's in.  

    If you think she is an actor, try something challenging like the Robin Williams rap song "My Name is Batty" in the movie Fern Gully.  Or Dorothy's "No Place Like Home" speech in Wizard of Oz.  If she is not that mature, go with something younger, like Balou's song/speech "Bare Necessities" from Jungle Book, with the exagerated movements.  And you can always just leave it to the teacher.

  4. I am co-creator of Childrens Theater Project.  By all means have your kids ready to read or recite something.  Anything closely related to the shows they are putting on would be helpful.  They will want them to read a character from the script they hand them (one character only).  This will give them an idea of how quick they are at reading and giving emotion to that character.  Having something prepared ahead is something they may also ask for.  I've heard youngsters sing Twinkle Twinkle.. at auditions.  Best of luck.  Theater is the greatest.  We have several kids that have gone into the acting profession.

  5. Relax! It's not like a TV talent contest.

    all the school wants to see is whether your child can speak lines clearly and maybe sing, and they might want to see how well they can act.

    dont fret about it let your child do thier best and if they don't get the part there is always next year.

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