They won't @#!#%#%& die!!!
I've had them for a over a year and many times my doctor has done the beetle acid, opened them, very painfully I might add and fluororacil 5% or whatever, I started with ten and now I have two stubborn ones left that just won't die!!!
This last time we did the acid I've been doing the fluoroacil for a month and a half straight; I'm not letting them close--despite what the doctor said about it not working this time. The "root" is exposed and looks like cauliflower. I'm at my wits end. Seriously. I can't take it anymore. I've started to scrape at them with a callous remover and try to pick loose ends off with tweezers but they're so stuck. And everytime I scrape until I can no longer scrape and then apply the fluoracil, they seem to just grow back a little.
One is the size of a nickle and the other is tiny. The "effective" Fluoracil just doesn't seem to be killing them. Did they develop an immunity or something? Help. Help. Help