
Kill a crocodile?

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Can I kill a saltwater crocodile with a 6 foot sledgehammer?

How many shots will it take to the head?




  1. Well if you had skill, you would know that already. So, i wouldn't even try if i were you.

  2. Technically it is possible - the ease of doing so, and the number of swings it would take would depend more on your own skill, strength, and knowledge of crocodilian anatomy.

    If you hit it hard in the right spot, you might be able to kill it in one blow, however I suspect that you yourself are probably not capable of such strength and precision in a stressful situation, and are more likely to be eaten before completing the task.

    A pickaxe would probably be a better choice of implement.  One good blow to the base of the skull or neck should do the trick nicely.

  3. how bout you just not do it, it sound slike soemthing thats going to get you a darwin award

  4. AH Hahahahaha this is the best one I've read today

  5. I agree with the first guy who answered, sounds like you're going to get chomped and win a Darwin award, buddy.

  6. I hope th croc gets you first. why on earth would you want to kill the poor animal? what has it done to deserve this? I hope you learn to have a little respect for the creatures put on this earth...they arent for your entertainment....
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