
Kill babies or mothers?

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Okay, everyone knows that if anything is made illegal it doesn't just disappear. If abortions are made illegal how many women do you think will die trying to get one? There are seriously more ways than you think. Drug overdose (OTC, prescription, and illegal), herbs made to start labor, the coat hanger method (for the desperate...), ect. If women can't get legal abortions how many of our nations teenagers are going to commit suicide in an attempt to end their pregnancy?




  1. So this is really about abortion, right? Then the babies go, and the mother stays! If they have drugs that can "abort" the fetus of an animal, why not for a human!? My dog and a male dog got together, and I didn't want her to have puppies, the Vet gave her this stuff, and there were no puppies!  These teenagers who go out and have s*x, they know perfectly well what they are doing, AND the risks of becoming pregnant, there should be a pill or something where they can take it the next day so THEY don't become pregnant! It seems they always wait until it's almost too late to abort the baby, and don't use the brains they were born with, and try to get rid of it by unorthodoz methods, such as your coat hanger!! There are already too many unwanted children in this world, a crowded one at that! Abortion should be legal under any circumstances - besides! what a woman does to her own body is her business alone! There are far too many MEN who are  against this, probably a religious thing with them! THEY should stop and think, the woman didn't get pregnant on her own! They get their jollies off then cry "fowl" when they make a baby! It has to be this macho thing in men!  These men who get girls, and women pregnant, then leave them to fend for themselves, are usually the first ones to sign up for PRO LIFE!!! Those guys should all pay for their FUN!

  2. I think abortion is one of the most complicated issues... I agree, but I don't think it's right to kill fetuses after a certain length of time... I belive they're alive in there.I don't even know where to begin after that...

  3. kill the father!

    he would impregnate a woman and won't even support his child?

    if it wasn't because of the father of the child, there won't be abortion and no suicide,...

    she won't have a reason to abort her baby or commit suicide if the father took care of them,... even if it is rape,..

    i say kill the father XD

  4. probably a good number...

    also... how many unwanted babies will be born neglected abused and put in our already overloaded juvenile system??

  5. None, of course!

    Let us enjoy and protect life. Let us learn to be responsible regarding s*x, let us enjoy s*x in a a love relationship.  Let us welcome babies, product of our love relationships.  

    Why victimize one or the other?  Life is as valuable for a baby and for a mother.  

    Why do we have to go to extremely painful situations of killing someone...?


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