
Killer fleas on my cat

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I have never seen fleas this bad in Califonria. I have a cat just under a year. They are absolutely eating her alive. I can't afford Advantage or other such products. But I have been giving her a bath (that is fun) with a good flea shampoo. That does not seem to help. I finally purchased an over the counter flea product at my local store. The kind where you put it behind their neck (like Advanate only chepaer). She is still scratching like crazy and miserable. I put it on about 4 days ago, can I put another application on so soon? Also they are eating me alive. Is there any good home remdies to rid them from my house




  1. The only thing that will work will be Advantage or similar topical products purchased from the vet, unfortunately.

    Fleas develop and become immune to most deterrents and medications. So the only ones that really truely work, are the ones that are expensive due to research and science put in to them.

    No matter how much you wash your cat, clean bedding or try the cheaper products it just wont really properly fix the problem.

  2. OTC flea products are worse than useless.  No only will they not kill the fleas they can harm your cat as well.    One of the vet prescribed flea treatments such as Advantage or Frontline is the best option but if you can't do that the next best option is a bath and flea combing.    Use dish detergent such as joy or dawn, and wash the cat from completely (head, tail, feet etc)  then flea comb her and rinse the comb in a bowl containing soapy water.  You will likely have to keep combing for several days or even weeks and you need to start at the head and work your way back covering every inch of her each time.   Make sure you get all the way to the skin.  

    Also make sure you treat the house.  Put a flea collar in the vacume bag (the only thing flea collars should be used for) and vacume several times a day.  Was all the bedding in hot water.

  3. Nothing you can buy over the counter will be effective on a severe case. A veterinary product is the only guaranteed treatment.

    If you decide to buy the advantage, please tell your vets what products you used, and the dates you applied them on, as over-treatment can be VERY dangerous, and could cause serious complications.

  4. In addition to the treatments you're giving your cat, or those previously suggested, you need to make sure you vaccuum your rug and put any of her beds, toys, etc. through the wash because they can lay eggs in those things.

  5. Front Line,some vets will sell just one applicator instead of a 3 month supply (cost is around $12.00)

  6. you are better off getting the flea powder and buy flea carpet powder to put it on your carpet if you have carpet.

    plus you should bomb your house.

    they have all that at wal-mart

  7. The over the counter meds for fleas WIILL KILL YOUR CAT!!!!

    Please do not use those!

    My sister's cat died from it :O(

    Please spend the $ on Advantage....I'll send a link for you, it's the cheapest price I have found.

    Again, please don't use the cheap stuff. It is a pesticide.

  8. A few things you can Do, not in any particular order, use Raid carpet Flea spray, Take the cat to a vet and have her dipped, (They know what that means)

    Go to a Home depot and purchase what is called Sven Dust (Pronounced Seven Dust) and sprinkle it around the outside of the house along the Foundation, Begin using natural pest Control Like garlic, use garlic Powder in her food, as for you, start taking garlic Pills that You can Buy in the vitamin section of most Grocery Stores, Take as much as you like as the garlic won't hurt you,  

  9. IF YOUR cat has flease then your HOUSE HAS FLEAS….

    I have a NATURAL remedy for getting rid of fleas in your house.

    Go to the Store and buy some 20 Mule Team BORAX.

    Then sprinkle it all over. Carpets, couch, bedding, pillows, pet beds, car, even wood floors. (NOT ON YOUR PET!)


    What Boax does is coats the eggs ... The eggs hatch deformed or unable to reproduce.

    You will have to do this 2 or 3x about a week apart in order to get all the egg cycles.

    FOR YOUR PET. Use the flea killer that is on the market or use a flea comb (this is also a head lice comb) especially for kittens or puppys who are too young to have insecticide put on them.

    Kill the fleas that you find on the comb with soap or alcohol

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