
Killer whale or Great White?

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in a fight till the death what would win?




  1. killer whales in a pack against a great white, the whales will probably win,

    one on one though the great white owns it

  2. i say the freat white cause they move so fast they can lift there 3000 pond body out of the water and they have big teeth filled mouthed

  3. I go for the orca.

    No doubt the orca is smarter, for what that's worth.

    The gw shark would probably be better in tracking the orca down for a surprise attack, if the orca is injured first.

    Orca uses sonar instead...might be an advantage if the water is murky.

    GW sharks have one basic attack, grab and run.

    Orcas have various attacks, one of the deadliest is the tail, used a lot in packs to stun fish schools.

    And then there's this video of an orca attacking a white:

  4. a goldfish

  5. whale of course

  6. Killer Whales are at the top of the ocean food chain, while they usually don't go after full grown White Sharks they have been known to kill and eat them.

    Killer Whales being social animals will also protect their young even if it means taking on a predator as potentially dangerous as a Great White Shark.

  7. they actually used to have a show on Animal Planet that dealt with matchups between various predators. One of these shows featured a Killer Whale vs. a Great White. They had all kinds of scientists and analysists come in and give their takes. In the end they were all unanimous; it was the Killer Whale who would win

  8. The killer whale would destroy the gurly great white.

  9. has to be the shark

  10. the killer white would swallow the shark whole and then the shark would destroy the whale from the inside. thats a dead give away

  11. We have some killer whales on the west coast of Canada and Washington State USA who are known to eat great white sharks and actively hunt for them.

    Most of the whales focus their efforts on seals and the salmon when the salmon runs are on.

  12. the whale... they actually hunt sharks for food.

    Also Orcas usually travel in pods to there would be more of them

    Either way the whale wins the day.

  13. Great White Shark

  14. Neither, they were both trapped by a Japanese fishing boat.

  15. ehh

    id say killer whale. cause they've been seen to attack and kill sharks before and are bigger than sharks

  16. This is an easy one..........................the killer whale would tear shark apart........that is why the shark leaves when the killer whale comes around.

  17. killer whale hands down

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