
Killer whales - Endangered Speices?

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1. What are the circumstances around its endangerment?

2. What efforts are currently in place to protect this animal?




  1. they are endangered because the area where they find their food are all fishing grounds, we have to make save haven's for them but that is not easy.and the whale industry is creeping up. so we must try to stop that

  2. Killer whales, or Orcas, are not on the endangered list, but are considered a threatened species.  Oddly, they are not whales -- surprisingly they are part of the dolphin family.

    They are highly social animals and live in pods.  They inhabit all of the worlds oceans.  They mostly survive on fish.  Thanks to the damage we've done to the planet's fishing stocks, they are having a hard go at surviving.  They are also known to hunt seals, some whales, sea lions and other sea mammals.

    I lived in the Puget Sound region for a number of years.  One of my best memories is from a night we were sailboat racing in the Southern Georgia Straits off Vancouver Island.  An Orca broke the surface of the water about twenty feet from our boat and just swam along with us for almost half an hour.  The Orca just seemed to enjoy the company and was curious about what we were about.  An amazing experience.

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