
Killing for a rugby club overseas in the nothern Hemisphere any Help?

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my name is Viliame Tuitabaloa i'm lookin for a rugby club in the Northern Hemisphere. I play the Wing Position, right now I'm playing Sevens for the Vatuwaqa U-19 team and getting ready for the 15's season thats in Suva, Fiji. contact Mobile

9220376 country code (679).

if youre calling from other countries or overseas (679) 9220376




  1. Search the internet for a rugby agent that can pull some strings for you. If all else fails you could try out for first team club rugby in New Zealand then you'll be able to demand a better salary up north because you play at a reasonably high level. The higher up you play, the more money you'll make.Japan is also a good option because the rugby is not as tough and you can build your reputation up easily there.The competition for places up north is growing each year as more and more Southern Hemisphere players infiltrate the North.As a result, the North can now make demands on players, wheras in the past,they'd have been happy with a 38 yr old ex-All Black playing with an injury every orther game.

  2. iam the coach for crusaders rugby team if you want to come you can pay your own flight fees and cu to me

  3. If you're fast and fijian then you're more than welcome to play for my team in Paris, however we're not very good and would only be able to offer you beer after the game in terms of compensation.

    If you're seriously looking for a pro club in the northern hemisphere then I don't think there's anything wrong with taking an unconventional approach but to be honest, I can't see you getting offers through Yahoo! Answers at this point in time. Maybe I'm wrong.

    What I'd advise you do is try to get over to the UK (Fiji's part of the Commonwealth and have regiments in the army with quite a lot of fijians in them) in order to study or on some kind of exchange and once you're there, start looking at your options in terms of finding a club and showing what you're capable of.

    Fijians are well respected players in Europe and not just due to the presence of players like Caucau in the backs but also up front with players like Moses Rauluni.

    If you want to play some rugby in the Northern Hemisphere then I'm sure you can find a way to do so but be realistic; no one is going to fly out there to find out if you're worth it, you're going to have to come here and prove it, probably starting off at a modest club. In order to do that you're either going to need a huge amount of support from home or... a job here. I'd go for the latter option, personally.

    Good luck.

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