
Killing off a character?

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Ok so I'm writing the first book in a series and i really want to kill off an important but not main character. Is this a good idea? I was just watching some breaking dawn reviews on youtube and a lot of people said that they were disappointed that because a main character wasnt killed off. I know thats just the twilight books but I think that would keep the reader hooked. Is this a good idea




  1. Killing off a character is a great way to move a story along, but you have to remember to show the reaction of all of the remaining characters.  All too often, someone dies in a book, and nobody reacts at all, even if they were very very close.

  2. The thing about writing, for me at least, is that I'm telling a story. When writing, I do have to think, but the story seems to develop itself because I subconsciously know where it's going. If that is where your story is going, if the character's death is important or just part of the natural flow of your story then definitely kill them. If your going to kill someone just to keep the story moving and the reader interested then I wouldn't do it.  

    When I was reading the last Harry Potter book tons of character that I liked died and though I was sad, I accepted it as the natural flow of the story and realistic as well. With Breaking Dawn it felt like she threw the character Irina in simply for the purpose of killing her. To me, it felt like she didn't think the story involved a death in that part but she put one in so people wouldn't think that she didn't have the guts to kill off a character on the good side.

    I'm writing a story where one of my very central characters dies and at a young age too. A lot of people who have read my story really like this character and I do to, but I know that that is how his story ends, with death, and I haven't had second thoughts about killing him yet!

    That's just my opinion, but I hope I helped!

  3. Well, Rowling and Tolkien both did it, but their books are still popular with millions. I don't see why you can't kill off a character, if it's helpful to the plot. Most readers accept that not all characters have happy endings.

    Happy writing!

  4. Will it carry the plot forward? Give the main character more resolve to acheive his goal? Change the goal or methods of the main character?

  5. I think it is all about how important the character is. Remember, killing a character can hook readers, but it can also put them off the book.

    I cannot give an excellent answer because I have not heard a lot about your story, so sorry if this doesn't help much!

    But really, it is all about if you want to or not, it is your book, write it for your entertainment >_^

  6. Well, you have to think about it critically. You must ask yourself, does killing this character enhance your story, or will it come off as some cheap ploy for shock effect? Either way the reader will be able to tell.

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