
Killing whales by japan, can we stop it?

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Killing whales by japan, can we stop it?




  1. Get a petition signed and send it to the government it may take much time and many signatures but if you are confidant in this you will succeed.

  2. I don't know, but they tried to stop us from whaling!  Those jerks, we only have a quota of 10 per year and here they wanted us to stop when they are hunting for hundreds!

  3. We need General Douglas MacArthur!  "In war, there is no substitute for victory"-GDM.  I'm sad to say he is gone and that we are living on a planet filled by PC willy-nilly double talkers that will play water jugs, chant, complain, whine, and sign petitions and then drive off in their Mitsubishi Montero.

    Give me 3 Gato Class submarines, enough fuel to cross the Pacific, and I'll save the whales...just like I saved the limpits from the freaky people on Muir Beach!

  4. Yes the japanesse can't kill them if we kill all the whales first.

  5. Maybe if just one well placed old WW2 mine or torpedo just happen to find its way to the processor ship...just enough to put them out of commission and send them back home.

    Maybe it's time for the Black Pearl to make an appearance...that would work too.

  6. I think before asking whether we can we need to figure out why we want to stop it.

    Good reasons for wanting to stop it would be that killing intelligent life is not acceptable along with sustainability and the need to keep the Whales around.

    The IWC had in its beginning tended to just allow a free for all that severely depleted the stock of whales but with conservation minded countries joining and the quotas are starting to be set to ensure that the species continues to exist (and it is quite possible for Japan not to overhunt whales).

    Whether whales are intelligent is an open question although it's looking like they might not be.  If proof or good reasons to believe that they are were to exist then there would b very good reasons to stop whaling (by *everyone* not just Japan).

    As for how to stop it, the most effective way would be to send a couple of warships to the whaling fleet.

  7. Of course. However, with the present system different nations have on the laws of seas, it will be hard. Whales are in oceans. Oceans are not owned by any country. Any country presently are not bound by any rules regarding killing of whales (primarily because no binding treaty was signed yet by any country). If you want to stop this you must do this thing:

    Have you watched Full Metal Panic. It's an anime (Japanese animation) about a secret international paramilitary organization which is not under any nation and is intervening in all hostilities happening in the world. Basically, their weapon is far more superior than the most powerful nation. Point is, if you can just make this kind of organization, you can stop the killing of whales. Unlike nations who must act with diplomacy, this organization is not bound to respect other nations. I know you'll think this is kinda absurd, but for me, it's worth hoping for.

  8. I think it's time we drop the economic hammer on Japan and boycott them across the board!

    There is even a neat website (see link below) called "Boycott Japan" that has some detailed and interesting information on how to boycott products from Japan and get the anti-whaling message to these people.

    I'm not an advocate of anyone going to extreme measures to enforce (no matter how right, just and humane) an act on another society.

    In this case though I'm sick of the arrogance and disregard Japan displays to the world (be it historical revisionism in the atrocities they committed in WWII or whaling) that I think heavy handed measures should be taken.

    I'd be thrilled to see the U.S. Navy and the Royal Navy intercept these whaling ships, order the crews off, haul them into U.S. or British ports and scrap them.

    The stance that this is a "cultural" aspect of Japan's society is a joke. These are the same people that used s*x slaves for the army as late as WWII.

  9. That's the answer!!!!! Sign a petition. I'll make you feel good and give the Japanese something else to ignore.

  10. ok there are things you can do from your home... There are 3 ships heading out after the japanese.. The Esperanza is being followed by the japanese (their hiding) ill post a live webcam link on board the ship Esperanza.. please note if you are getting black images it just means its dark in their time zone..

    from the live webcam you can then go into the crews weblog then go to whales..... then go down a bit where youll find the esperanza,s journey and messages from crew members.....

    the images are live and get uploaded every 30 seconds....

    please pass on this message and its link

    we have the Robert Hunter ship docked here having final repairs before it heads out on dec 1st..

    and the sea shepard (its twin sister) will meet out there....

  11. Eventually, but not now. What we can do is suggest they lower the number of whales/dolphins they kill, or try and make little sanctuaries in parts of the oceans.

    I try to sign petitions about these topics. I'll email you the website or just edit my answer later because I forget it now.

    People have talked about boycotting japanese products, but our dependency on japan is rather high. Just sign petitions and write to some type of person in Japan who has authority in that field. Good luck.

  12. Only when enough international pressure is placed on Japan to will they possibly stop whaling. They are fairly arrogant and ignorant people on the whole.

    If you are anti whaling log onto the greenpeace site I think you can get a list of what food companies are associated with the act of whaling.

    I could name at least one big one however, I'd be likely to end up being sued by them as they are a massive international company producing a huge range of products including one of the more popular brands of tinned tuna.

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