
Killzone 3 and the PlayStation Move Sharpshooter – Review – Part 2

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Killzone 3 and the PlayStation Move Sharpshooter – Review – Part 2
In the first part of the article we concluded a number of things. Firstly, that Killzone 3 has been reviewed many times, secondly, that the game is quite an experience and thirdly, that no review site has given the game a thorough review based on its PlayStation
Move compatibility.
We then went on to establish that the Move felt unnatural when held in one’s hand, as it did not feel like a gun. It actually felt more like a wand, a wand of death, but sadly there are no wands in Helghast, so it cancels out any joy once players try it
However, we also explained how the on-rails section, where players were spared the task of moving the player around the battlefield, or rather the Killzone, were perfect for the Move, though it was not enough for players to torture themselves through having
to play the entire game with the motion control peripheral.
Yet, for those readers who wished for a first-person shooter which works with motion control, there may still be hope as Sony launched the Sharpshooter. A gun accessory which holds both the Move and the Navigation controller and still manages to look s**y,
is a feat in itself.
The question remains though, does the Sharpshooter make the difference, or does it misfire?
The instant a player snaps the Move and the Navigation controllers into place, adjusts the shoulder rest and puts his finger on the trigger, one can immediately tell that the experience is going to be an infinite times better than it was holding the controllers
in one’s hands.
The gun translates perfectly onto the Sharpshooter and players forget they are holding a piece of plastic as the rumble kicks in every time the player pulls back on trigger.
Reloading by slapping the underside of the magazine is pretty slick too, and another little control mechanism which makes the experience so much more enriching.
Players should be cautioned that, like the Move, it does take a little bit of getting used to, but the learning curve is much more forgiving. Once the player understands that small movements are the way to go, the Sharpshooter comes into its own.
Aiming and moving at the same time become almost effortless, and shooting Helghast becomes a breeze. Taking cover is also much easier with the Sharpshooter, as the Move Button is placed perfectly beneath the primary trigger.
In fact, players will feel a lot like the person controlling Gerard Butler in the Hollywood movie, Gamer.
The fact that the Sharpshooter houses both controllers means that players do not have to hold one arm up all the time and can give each of their upper limbs a break. Believe it or not, actually moving the crosshairs around the screen with your arms instead
of just your fingers can be quite tiring.
Players can even sit and use the Sharpshooter, all they need to do is calibrate it and enjoy.
The Sharpshooter is the best way to play Killzone 3 with a motion controller and for those looking for a satisfying point and shoot experience, the accessory provides it.
Though again, it is best to limit its use to single player, multiplayer is not as forgiving.
Disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the editorial policy of



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