
Killzone 3’s best single-player campaign moments – Part 3

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Killzone 3’s best single-player campaign moments – Part 3
After talking about Killzone 3’s unique take on the, now standard, opening tutorial mission and some of the most satisfying sniping in a game for some time, it is now time to up the ante a bit and talk about the bigger moments of the game, and by bigger,
we mean in the literal.
While not exactly a Transformer, or anything new from the mech in the previous Killzone game, the ISA Exoskeleton got to spend more time in the spotlight in Killzone 3, with both Sev and Rico getting an EXO each.
The level saw players take on infantry, machine gun emplacements and tanks, as well as those annoying Helghast with the rocket launchers, as they sprinted, jumped, strafed and generally blasted their way through the enemy lines.
It was a nice change of pace, another one of those moments that kept the action intense, but at the same time saving the gameplay from becoming monotonous. Oh and firing rockets is fun too.
When the developers told everyone players would be battling a huge mech in the game’s single player campaign, few realised exactly what the developer meant by huge.
When Guerrilla Games released the trailer showing Sev battling a 200-foot-tall machine, with four legs and machine guns and rockets firing from every corner, with a WASP (Killzone’s alternative to a rocket launcher), it took everyone by surprise as to exactly
how big the scale of the battle was.
The developers then showed off how players would have to battle the same MAWLR from the air using miniguns, after the initial ground assault, and the anticipation levels went up even higher.
It was only when players got to play the sequence for themselves that they realised they had just experienced one of PlayStation’s most memorable moments.
Starting from the dramatic cut-scene which led up to the initial assault from the ground, the player had to worry about a dozen Helghast soldiers, two APCs, a few jetpack troopers and to top it all off, the behemoth MAWLR.
The battle was intense, and the action just kept getting amped up as the battle wore on. But once the player destroyed the cooling vents, it seemed the battle was over. But no, the MAWLR kept on going, so the player got on one of the ISA Intruders, was handed
a minigun with unlimited ammunition as the ISA took to the skies looking to bring down the beast once and for all.
After destroying all the vents and blowing the cannon off the mech, the players thought the battle was over, which it was not, by any stretch of the imagination.
Instead, the players had to destroy the ‘bridge’ were the last MAWLR’s controls lay. After a solid twenty plus minutes of non-stop action and keeping the trigger pressed, the MAWLR was finally down for the last time.
What made this sequence so brilliant was the fact is that the player and in the in-game NPCs (non-playable characters) seemed to be on the same wavelength. That wavelength being a feeling of desperation and wondering what else everyone else had to do to
bring the MAWLR down.
In the end, it was not a fight, but a battle and not many games have provided such an experience for gamers.
More to follow... 
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