
Kim Kardashian recommends Revitalash?

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I read on Kims official website that she uses Revitalash and thinks its amazing. She has super long lashes so I did some research and found that everyone says it works, but some say it has negative side effects such as discoloration and increases in eye pressure.

Has anyone used this product? Any side effects?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Actually I read that too so I was doing research on it, and I found out that two of my moms friends used it. If you have very tiny lashes it really isnt going to do might not even be able to notice a difference unless you have used it for a LONG time. If you have already lashes that are decent(kinda thick and kinda long) then you would be able to see a difference. It works depending on what you already have so if you have small lashes it most likely wont do much.

    but check out some reviews from people who used it

  2. Kim Kardashian also wears false eyelashes. That's probably why she needs Revitalash. I wouldn't risk your eyes to try to look like her.  Also, remember that she is of Armenian descent - she is darker with thicker hair, which means her lashes are probably naturally thick. I wouldn't bother.

  3. me Im sure its a rip off for $150 a tube besides keep in mind that Kim wears fake eyelashes to make her lashes seem so full. ♥

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