
Kim kardashian without makeup.

by  |  earlier

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i think she looks better without

I dont really like her though..


what do you think with or without makeup??




  1. Kim-K is SO pretty.

    with OR withOUT make up :]

  2. i love her eye make up but she doesnt look horrible without. her face isnt clean in the pic

  3. i think she is really pretty even without make-up

    what u dont want 2 see is kim without her girdle. eeew!!

  4. in between those two i think would look best

  5. she looks better with makeup.

  6. she looks horrible without makeup on but she puts too much on, so either way, she loses!

  7. She's hot either way. Anyone who says she looks gross is just jealous!  

  8. Um not a very flattering picture of her. That is good though, that you like the natural look.

  9. Ew! she looks gross without makeup!;...

  10. she looks like a regular person with makeup.  no one does a smoky dark eye to go food shopping.  she is allowed to look normal.  i can't say she looks better without makeup, but she looks like a real person.

  11. she looks quite manly without makeup.

  12. she still looks gorgeous

  13. shes pretty without makeup of course.

  14. i loveeee her but in these pictures she looks better with makeup but i've seen her without it and she still looks good but this just isn't a good pic of her  

  15. This is really kind of a weird picture of her without makeup because it looks like she just moisturuzed, because her skin is shiny and it al,so looks ike shes in the middle of talking which makes her chin look weird. But judgin by these she looks better with makeup but looks pretty either way. I think

  16. She's s**y either way, I like brunettes with curves, and she really fits the bill, woohoo!

  17. Kim Kardashian will always look Drop-dead gorgeous, but umm in that picture it looks a bit unflattering, its mainly bcuz she looks really tired and her face is oily. But i'm sure when shes having a not stressful day and not wearing makeup she proably looks even better, but thats just my opionion.

  18. i like her both ways.

    but i think in the pictures you gave.


    because her face looks oily in the without picture.

  19. she's still pretty.

    she looks more natural. although her face looks oily.

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