
Kimbo Slice vs, Matt hughes, who would win?

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i think kimbo by tko, because of his size and more ko power, but kimbo is lacking in his ground game and he still needs to improve on lots of area




  1. Kimbo doesn't stand a chance against hughes or any other mediocre mma fighter.  After Elite is done building up his record with so so fighters and actually put him against someone who can fight Kimbo is going to retire to the back yard.

  2. Kimbo sucks, I thought the ref should of stopped the fight when he was getting elbowed to the head?  Hughes would submit him before he even knew what happened.

  3. Matt Hughes will tear out his ankle, if he can overcome Kimbo's strength and mass. However, he might have to run around away from Kimbo long enough before Kimbo can pound Matt's face in.

    This is why there's different weight divisions in MMA and in boxing of course. Or else, heavyweight and lightheavyweights will dominate the kingdom.

  4. Heck, he only won that last one cuz they gave it to him. Hughes with a ssubmision hold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Your asking if Matt Hughes a UFC  legend and future hall of famer could beat Kimbo Slice a street brawler with only three mma fights. Matt hughes would crush him. Matt Hughes despite his size has always had tremendious strength and power. I am sorry but this a laughable question. Matt Hughes had Royce  Gracie  in a arm lock and had his arm bent at almost a 90 degree angle and you think Hughes and Kimbo would be a fair match up. Hughes is one of the strongest fighters pound for pound and one of the most dominant welterweights ever.

  6. Even though Kimbo won he was exposed just like that weak a-s-s Elite X or what ever its called is this the minor leagues for MMA that production was an embarrassment , you put Kimbo in the UFC with real skilled fighters and he gets killed plain and simple .

  7. I'd give this one to Hughes, who has a much better MMA skillset.

    We all saw what happens to Kimbo when he's out of his stand-up element.

  8. kimbo sucks, he has no skills. matt hughes would destroy him. he has over 40 professional wins against good fighters. kimbo can hardly hold his own in street boxing matches let alone in an mma match against a professional.

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