
Kimbo vs Brett Rogers. does this happen in October and if so how does it play out?

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I think Kim goes down. does anyone know what type of ground game Rodgers has? can he kick? Will he out-brawl Kim? If Kim loses is his MMA career over with, due to not marketable anymore?




  1. The last time Kimbo faught, it seemed as if it was fixed for Kimbo to win. The only reason they have him signed is because he's a popular name and he brings in fans. I can't even decide who I think is going to win the fight..Too tough to call after the last fight. I don't think his career will be over with because he still has more wins than looses.

  2. Kimbo gets exposed as the over rated one dimensional street thug that he is. Rogers mounts Kimbos butt over his fire place once he's done with him. That spell it out? He was getting owned in his last fight against James Thompson who has a 14-9 record and oh btw lost to Butterbean!!! Yeah Erich Esch!! Rogers isn't an elite fighter but Kimbo is a novelty act who had no business in a main event.  Kimbo's  only chance would be a 1 punch KO and I think Rogers is too well schooled for that to happen. I don't wish the guy ill but I just think Kimbo is a glorified Tank Abbott who is a long way from being a top tier MMA fighter.

  3. Rogers is the same type of fighter as Kimbo, except younger and more powerful. Skill wise i'd say their the same. What it is going to come down to is who learns the most in the next couple of months, and who comes to the fight in better condition. I have to say that Rogers is the favorite; it's his fight to lose.

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