
Kind of a weird question about a friend?? Please answer, I need help?

by  |  earlier

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OK, so today was my first day of High School... But anyway, my high school is actually a middle/high, so I've been going since 6th grade, and I met this guy, who's new this year, and I think he's g*y. Everyone says that he asked my friend riley out, and even riley said that, and he's got kind of a girlyish voice, and he talks to me like a girl would talk to me, like, in the sense he's not trying to show off to me, like, he just treats me normally. I really really think he's g*y, but I don't know if it would be offensive to ask. Should I wait until he says something? or is there a way I can ask him that won't be offensive. I don't care whether he is or not, he's a great guy, but this is my first g*y friend... And I try to treat him like my other friends, but, I don't know, I keep thinking about that, I just want to know the answer, it's not like it would have any affect on our friendship whatsoever. Thanks so much ♥




  1. Don't pressure him to come out of the closet

    you have to give him time to do that and be supportive of him

  2. dont pressure him. if he is g*y or bi or whatever, he will tell you when he is ready.

  3. Don't ask, there really is no un-offensive way to ask. Just be his friend. If he is and wants you to know it, then when he feels safe enough of your friendship he'll share it with you.

    Being bi/g*y or even straight is a need to know basis, and who really needs to know except the person that person is interested in for a relationship?

  4. dont pressure him to come him as a friend and love him....let him come out when he is ready

  5. wait till he is ready to share that info with you. it's really a personal thing for people, and if you both develop a strong friendship, i'm sure he will feel more confortable letting you know.

  6. Yes, asking nosy questions that are NONE of your business is offensive.

    Treat him like a person that you like as a friend.

  7. he will tell you when he's ready, you said that you just met him. has he asked you if you like to kiss girls yet? if you really wanna know you can make cute jokes and see how he responds.

    ohhh, you can even use that song, "i kissed a girl and i liked it" ask him if he likes that song? ask him if he thinks it's offensive to g*y people since kate perry isn't really g*y.

    that's one idea, you can think of more i'm sure ;-) happy hunting!

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