
Kind of accents women are attracted to?

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I'm a 20 year old male and i know especially among American women they fantasize about men with accents. I've been told by everyone that i have an accent (even though i don't hear it myself). I was born in America and raised in Venezuela and because i had a certain teacher while i was in preschool i wound up with a Venezuelan-Canadian accent. When ppl that don't know me hear me i get asked where am i from and ppl guess all over the place such as new Zealand, England, Ireland and even south Africa. I was just wondering would women be attracted to that kind of an accent and if so should i use that and my growing up abroad when i talk to women. Thanks for taking ur time and helping me out. Just to give u a lil more info i'm a white male, 6'1 and 175 pounds with a baby face. If that helps with answers at all. Again thank you.




  1. As a Kiwi chick, I like the american accent, also scottish and Irish is kinda hot. Of course I am not speaking for all kiwi woman, just my small circle of woman friends.

  2. british.


  3. So long as it sounds like you have money they don't really care about much else.

  4. Probably gonna be hard to replicate an accent all the time :-O

    Apparently the Glaswegian (scotland) accent is attractive.. how I dunno,...

    Also, the english accent apparently is a lot, but it depends where you go.

  5. Any kind of accent is interesting because it is usually accompanied by an interesting or different world view.  I wouldn't obviously play it up, but it's a definite advantage!

  6. That's a childish thing.

    Accent doesn't really matter.

    You'll eventually get sick of it or used to it and want to hear something else.

  7. To most women it does make you seem more interesting but when it all comes down to it alls they really care about is u......but i have to say it is an advantage...also a good way to start a conversation...good luck

  8. Hey, Hey!!

    Im from New Zealand. If you sound as cool as us then your awesome!!

    Nah. I like most accents, Americans and australians accents not so much but its not like I'm gonna hate someone coz their accent sounds American/Australian.  

  9. french!

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