
Kinda embarrassing, but sharp pain in butt and...?

by  |  earlier

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It's to the point where it hurts to move, it's like a sharp pain and it feels like the area is irritated because it hurts to wipe too, and when I go to the bathroom I have diarrhea, however this is not surprising because I am currently in a foreign country and this is a common problem here. It hurts to walk, even just roll over if I'm not careful, at first it was on and off now it's more constant, sometimes it's more tolerable than other times. But it hurts a lot when anything touches the area or if I move too quickly, I'm going to see the doctor when I get back but school is starting really soon and I don't want to not be able to go, but I don't know how I'd be able to limp around all the time... The pain is in the middle, I guess, and it doesnt hurt anywhere else, except that the whole area around it feels irritated as I said, and if I just release pressure on it it feels almost raw, that's the wrong word, but I dont know how to describe it.

help? thanks so much ._.




  1. Sounds like Hemorrhoids. or an Anal Fissure. Make sure you keep the area clean, wipe really good and use Tuck's or some Witch Hazel to disinfect and numb the area a bit. Take it easy with the spicy food. Stick to plain and bland, cotton underwear and SEE A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY!

  2. It really does sound like a hemorrhoid.  They can really hurt down there, and can bleed.  The blood is a way different color from period blood, like your case--it usually kinda bright.  You can get hemorrhoids when you've been having a lot of diarrhea, so it's very possible.  I'm actually have Fun With Hemorrhoids right now myself, and ooooooo can they hurt!

    There are other icky things that can cause rectal bleeding (I have Crohn's disease, one of those Fun Things), but they usually do not hurt in such a limited place.  It is also possible you got a fissure, which is a crack in the area.  That can also happen when you've had a lot of diarrhea.  Until you see a doctor, you may want to try Tuck's or Anusol and see if they help.   If they do, be sure to mention that to the doctor--it'll help with the diagnosis.  Unfortunately, they're gonna have to poke around to be sure it's what is going on.  That is *so* not fun, but if it means you stop hurting, a little discomfort is worth it.  Good luck =)

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