
Kinda gross but... do other animals have periods?

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Kinda gross, but is it just humans who do the whole "shedding uterus" thing?

My friend and I had an argument about it today!




  1. yes  

  2. All female mammals produce eggs, but they do not all mensturate in the way that humans do.

    For example, some are "spontaneous ovulators", othrs are "induced ovulators".

    Spontaneous ovulators are those that produce eggs on a regular basis - including humans, primates, dogs etc. These animals have a regular menstrual cycle from the age at which they reach sexual maturity.

    Induced ovulators do not have a regular cycle - the release of the egg from the follicle is induced by mating. Induced ovulators include cats, camels.

    Anyway - I'm not sure if when you said "periods" you meant literally bleeding - in which case, no not all mammals do so. For example, if your pet rodent appears to be bleeding in that area it needs to see a vet as this is not normal!

    If you're interested - check out the link for more info....

    Hope this helps

  3. yea, all mammals have periods.

  4. what do you think eggs are??????

  5. yes, all mammals have periods-cats, dogs, ferrets-etc.- that is why it is a good idea to get them fixed, otherwise they will leave blood wherever they sit-i couldn't get my cat in quick enough, and she left blood on my couch- had to get it cleaned professionally. the bigger the animal, the more blood, obviously.

  6. Yes all female Mammals have periods.

    In fact my rabbit had her period a couple of days ago.

    Hope this Helps!!!

  7. Dogs do.

    Well, not dogs. FEMALE dogs. Ha. They bleed, if they're unspayed.

    I'm not sure about other animals, but I know other animals come into 'heat', which is a similar idea, minus the blood.

  8. that's actually a great question..i wanna know too

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