
Kinda gross but how would a human know if they had worms?

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it suggested this category and i didnt know what else to put it in! and as far as i knew they were caught thru animals




  1. Actually you dont have to see them for them to be there. There are a lot of people who do a detox to clean out their intestines that find they have worms in their body!! Worms live in the intestines!!

  2. sometimes there's white things wriglin' around in your p**p. and your bum-hole is really itchy and tingly.

    EDIT: why is this in cats :S

  3. you will see worms in your ****

  4. yes your bum will feel so itchy. and you will see the worms in your p**p if you have them..

  5. Itchy ...itchy ....itchy.....

    Hate to admit it but I had them when I was a little kid - I got them from playing in a dirty sand box.  Poor me.... :(.

    I was about 5 and my mother said she could see them...terrible!

  6. Parasite Signs, Adults, Children

    Allergies, Many allergies are caused by worm infections. Tissue becomes inflamed and reactions to foods are the result when eosinophils (white blood cells) are increased due to them. Extreme skin rashes with blisters and food allergies or sensitivities may result.

    Anemia, Worms leach nutrients from bodies causing anemia. When they are present in large numbers, they can create enough blood loss to cause anemia or iron deficiency in some people.

    Constipation, Some worms can obstruct certain organs like the colon causing constipation, liver and the bile duct.

    Diarrhea, Most of the time diarrhea is nature's way of removing toxins.

    Fatigue, Symptoms include tiredness, flue-like symptoms, apathy, depression and lack of concentration.

    Gas and Stomach Bloating, Some parasites live in the upper intestine, which can cause both gas and stomach bloating.

    Immune Dysfunction, Parasites depress the immune system by decreasing immunoglobulin.

    Nervousness, The waste products from parasites irritate the nervous system, resulting in anxiety and restlessness.

    Other Signs of Parasites in Children

    Blisters appear on the inside of the lower lip, wiping of the nose, restlessness and grinding of the teeth at night, dark circles under the eyes, hyperactive, bed wetting, headaches, sensitive to light, twitching eyelid, gum, r****m, or nose bleeding are signs they may have parasites.

    There are many natural foods, herbal cleansing products, and essential oils that one can take to rid themselves of worms. When taking herbal combinations, it is best taking them on an empty stomach. The best way to treat parasitic infection is to detoxify using good nutritional rebuilding programs that will restore balance and the immune system. Everyone infected with worms is deficient in the essential nutrients. All essential vitamin and mineral supplements are necessary.

    If parasites are the problem, it is very important to take larger doses of plant-derived nutrients due to deficiencies. Some worms suck your vitamins and minerals directly out of the blood. Others absorb your nutrients through their outer skin layer. The nutrients need replacing daily.

    High carbohydrate diet, low in protein, and high in alkaline has been found to make parasitic infections worse. Sugar should also be avoided because parasites thrive on it and it is possible you could have candida. This candida or yeast infections create an environment in the colon that equals the environment needed for them to thrive. Foods that lower pH from high alkaline conditions in the colon are apple cider vinegar and cranberry juice.

    Pumpkin seeds and onions mixed with soy milk is another remedy for worms. Herbal combinations for blood flukes are milkweed, pennyroyal and black walnut. Herbal combinations for liver flukes are cloves, goldenrod and goldenseal root. Bitter melon is effective against pinworms. Fasting on raw pineapples for three days helps with tapeworms.

    Another remedy for prevention is mixing one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water. Alternatively, you can take one tablespoon daily of 1 part apple cider vinegar, 2 parts apple juice, 1 part apple brandy.

    Constipation problems can be helped with friendly bacteria, cascara sagrada bark, chamomile tea, or elder flowers. Licorice added to herbal teas has slight laxative action.

    Liquid multi vitamin and mineral nutrients derived from plants like those found in Tropical Sunrise will help clean and replace your vital nutrients. The OXY-MEGA oxygen supplement is more effective against parasites and cleaning the intestinal tract than herbs. High doses of herbs may make them retreat to the colon but to kill and eliminate the parasites you need to flush them out by colon irrigation and ozone.

    One can save money and create your own herb formulas by buying herbs in bulk, capsules, and capsule machine for filling the capsules. Mix the herbs equally and purchase high quality only. The book, The Breath of Life contains most all the herbs with anti-parasitic properties and the herbal combinations for mixing.

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