
Kinda put ma foot in it, should i feel bad?

by  |  earlier

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ok well this is how it goes, ma friend (boy) is seeing this girl, that i am kinda friends with but only because i met her through him, my boyfriend told me a few weeks ago she cheated on ma friend with one of his friends

then the other day on msn i asked him how he was doing (as you do) and he said upset with his girlfriend, so ofcourse i asumed it was because she had slept with one of his friends, so i said well yeah i would be aslwell if my boyfriend slept with one of my friends, nd he said what do you mean, and i said well your lass sleeping with ya mate, and he asked when, and it was then i guessed he didnt really know anything about it, so ofcourse i had to tell him the rest of it right? and give him the details of where and when and who else knew?

so he rang ma boyfriend who confirmed it all and said yea it did happen and so on

should i feel bad for telling him even though it was an accident?




  1. no, you did the right thing.

  2. no u did the right thng u let him know b4 it was too late :)

  3. Well you could have asked him what was up before assuming, but there is no point feeling guilty about's done and you can't turn back time.  Now it's up to him whether he wants to fix this relationship or not, and should start by speaking to her.

  4. No way !! you did him a favour, you would feel bad if he found out from someone else and then found out you knew!!!! if it was my friend i'd do the same.... and if it happened to me i'd wanna know... way to go!!! obviously you feel guilty because you let it slip, he'll thank you when he realises he's better off without her.

  5. he needed to know

  6. I can't believe you didn't tell your friend as soon as you heard?

    Friends always come first, even if you befriended his girlfriend through him, you knew him first, and I assume you consider him a closer friend then her.

    Anyway, to answer your question, you should feel bad, but only because you weren't a better friend and told him sooner.

  7. Most guy's can't read women. I however can. Buuut that being said. I think your kind of a hoe for telling on your female friend. Should of asked him whats wrong, rather than being a prejudgemental *****.


  8. No. it was an accident everything'll be fine. get over it.

  9. noooo you saved him from being with a sl*t

  10. Don't feel bad, it's best that he knows what's going on, even if he didn't find out in the most sensitive of ways

  11. Assumptions generally get you into trouble.

    The truth is the truth, never feel bad about telling the truth.I would watch that girl, she will be waiting to talk about you.

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