
Kinda weird feeling?

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Ok its kind of hard to explain this feeling that i've been getting in my lower abdomen. I'm 34 weeks pregnant and i've been getting like a 'popping' or 'bubble' sensation coming from inside quite low down. Its kind of like someone is tweaking a muscle down there. It happens mostly when i'm sitting or laying down - i try to to change positions or stand up to stop it as it can go for quite a while and gets quite irritating.

Has anyone else had this feeling and if so how did you deal with it?




  1. kinda hard to say, but if I had to guess i would start with gas bubbles/pangs.  Congrats and good luck!

  2. I'm only 5 months pregnant and I've had that same popping feeling on my lower abdomen. The only thing I've come up with from reading all my pregnancy books is that your uterus is stretching and it can cause sharp pains, etc...  

  3. this popping and bubbling feeling is irritating but;, its normal at this stage of pregnancy. this is the amnotic fluid sac surrounding the baby in the uteres. it shifts when the baby changes positions. try lying on your left side when it gets real irritating. also you may want to take a short walk or just prop your feet up for a while. this usually helps. your baby will be here soon, and you will not remember these irritations. good luck and congratulations.
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