
Kindergarden B Day Party?????

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  1. worms in dirt. basically a 1-2 gummy worms in a cup of chocolate pudding with oreo cookie sprinkles over the pudding.   A fun creative ideas that kids will enjoy.

  2. You could make rice crispie treats but jazz em up and use fruity pebbles instead.  I recommend a half and half mix tho on the rice crispies/fruity pebbles,  the f.p.'s are really sweet.  Another way to go is use cocoa pebbles, and melt a layer of choc chips over the top.  Easy to hold, easy to clean up.

  3. Back when I was in kindergarten these were a hit (lol):,176,1351...

    Soft pretzels are great as well. Try something that wont be too messy. These would be fun to make with your daughter:

    check to see what the kids are allergic to first.

  4. Before you decide what to bring, check with the teacher to see if any of the students have any food allergies or are on special diets.

  5. How about a 24 pack of beer- that way there's enough beer for each kid. Now I know the teacher is gonna ***** about being left out- get him/her a 26er of vodka. Everyone wins :) Plus you don't have to worry about the kids being rambutction little turds, the beer will kepp them calm. Then once everyone's had their beer take them to a strip club, and let your daughter have a lap dance.

  6. jelly with fruit in it, biscuits, ask your daughter whats her favourite food that she might like to take. hope it helps x

  7. well.... my friend's mom went to baking school. and she has something different. one year she had five inch tall cupcakes... those are yummy. or the old cupcake in a ice cream cone. its amazing!!!

  8. It's been mentioned but I have to say that we did the jello jigglers last year and the kids were so tickled pink by it.  My daughter and I made them together in a big sheet, and we used cookie cutters to make fun shapes.

  9. Happy Early Birthday to your daughter! :)

    Whatever you do, do not try to bring in a healthy alternative or something you think is fun, without your daughters approval. I teach pre k and what the mom thinks is "so cool" is normally not at all exciting to the 5 year old.

    We have had all types of mufins, yogurt and fruit treats, lots of different types of fruit items, ants on a log, apple smiles, etc.

    Things that are a hit (besides cupcakes), ice cream sandwiches, ice pops, ice cream cups, fancy iced cookies (like from the mall with elmo), rice krispy treats with chocolate on top, regular cake. A little pack of gummy snacks is always a hit as well. Oh, a mother sent in the giant oatmeal cream pies and the kids loved them too. Simple enough. :)

    Good Luck! SD

  10. When my son was in kindergarden, we brought donuts in.  Check with your teacher when she would have the party.  Donuts worked for us because they did parties at morning snack.  The favorite treat that was sent in for my son's class was cupcakes done in ice cream cones that they could decorate themselves.  The kids loved it.

    Be forewarned though, if you send something in, send in extras.  Alot of the teachers I know allow their kids go to the other classrooms to get presents from the other teachers.  Naturally, the teachers expects a treat for it.

  11. You can bring Jell-o. You can make it in the aluminum cups that come in cool shapes.

    You can bring a can of whipped cream or cool whip too.

  12. Fruit snacks!  They were a hit in my daughter's kindergarten class.

  13. Have you thought of Jello Jigglers? They are easily made with Jello and can be cut with cookie cutters into interesting shapes. Colorful and can be eaten with fingers. They were a hit with my child's kindergarten class.

  14. fairy bread, chocolate crackles, sausage rolls, party pies, funny face biscuits

  15. cookie cake...thats what i had for my kinder class party my mom brought it and put some candles on it and i blew them out! i was so happy cuz i got to pick out the colors and they had happy birthday kelly on it in pink. and little pink and white polka dots.

  16. cookie cake or icecream cake

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