
Kindergarden printouts?

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I am looking for some printouts to help my son get started before he gets to kindergarden. Can anyone give me some good FREE links. I don't have a lot of money but I really want my kids to get a good start!




  1. Try enchanted  Also try  abc.teach is good too but you have to pay for it.  Perpetual might be helpful.  Best thing to do is READ to your son.  Have him read books with you by looking at the pictures and telling you what is happening.  When you read to him, use your finger to follow along the text so he starts to recognize left to right, top to bottom order of words.  Tell him the title, author, etc.  Point to the front of the book, title page, etc.  Ask him to make predictions about what he thinks will happen  next as you read.  Also, letter recognition is very important.  Learn his uppercase letters first...then go to the lower case letters.  Identifying what sounds letters make is also very helpful.  Rhyming and alliteration are good to practice too as you drive around, or are doing things in the house...make it fun and he'll catch on.  Good luck.


    First these are the Skills they will need to accomplish by the end of the Kindergarten year.

    I don't suggest using worksheets, but there are plenty of sites out there to help him.

    I know one for ABC and reading which is

  3. There is the main site.

    I use this website alot.  Hope it helps.

  4. If you really want him to get a good start, please don't use print outs.

    Hands-on experience is more important and is most often the basis of kindergarten curriculum these days.

    My daughter's kindergarten teacher emphasized that self-help skills are the most important thing. Can he take off/put on/tie his own shoes? take off/put on/fasten up his own jacket/coat? completely take care of his own toileting?

    To prepare him for writing: Can he use scissors? glue? crayons? markers? Does he recognize/write his own name? Get a set of magnetic letters from the dollar store.

    To prepare him for reading, the most important thing you can do is read to him. Read EVERY night and any time during the day you can. Try pausing in familiar stories to let him fill in familiar words. Does he turn the pages? Follow along as you read? Can he re-tell the story, with or without pictures from the book? Read/ask him to read familiar street signs.

    To prepare him for math, count things in the environment. Ask him to help with cooking where he can count and measure. Do fingerplays and rhymes that have counting in them.

    Do projects with him that encourage sustained interest. For example, if he is interested in lightning bugs, read about them on the internet. Get books about them from the library. Catch some and count how many are in the jar. Draw pictures of them.

    Talk about colors, shapes, numbers, and letters when you come across them in daily life.

    Ask your child to tell you a story for you to write down; then you can read it back to him, and he can "read" it back to you. Read billboards, TV schedules, magazines, shopping lists — whatever is at hand. Visit libraries and bookstores regularly.

    If he absolutely insists (notice I said "he" - "he" should WANT the worksheets), then there are nice ones at

    On-line games:

    Here's some excellent readiness information and tips:

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