
Kindergarden same s*x classes. What do you think?

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My son with be in 5K next year. I received a paper home in his bookbag announcing a meeting to educate us parents and discuss the option of have all boy and all girl classes next year. I am completely opposed to the idea b/c I feel like kindergarden builds the foundation for social skill (outside of the family). What kind of social skills would he have if he was not around girls too? He is already shy. Would this make children look at each other based on s*x? Tell me what you think, I would like to hear some views either way.




  1. This one is baffling? It is pure conjecture but I would guess this decision was brought to fruition because of classroom guidance issues.  I think that the school has a "hunch" that by separating the boys/girls that this will alleviate some behavior issues.  Well it will actually increase it in my opinion.  The problem is not with the boys/girls....its with  the teachers and the schools approach (or lack of) with guidance.  This sounds like a classic "Its not us....its them" approach.  I could be wrong but I have never heard a whisper of data that supports this segregation?????  You know your child know what is "right" for you.  Everything in your post is right on target.  

    OK it is (I think) I found many articles based on something called "nature based theory" by Michael Gurian. One school in Foley Alabama actually instituted this segregation based on his book "Boys and Girls Learn Differently"  Mr. Gurian is a neuro-biologist who proposes that the "hard wiring" differences of boys/girls cannot be fully stimulated in "mixed" settings.  He also concludes that the mix cause guidance issues.  Look this up and then write me back if you want.  I could help you counter this with some early childhood principles. Thanks for the education on this!

    PS. I don't care about points!!!!!!!! Write me back....good luck!

  2. that is abad idea b/c how would children explore if all they see is the same type of hing everyday

  3. I have a nephew in kindergarten right now, and some of his best friends are girls.  There is absolutely nothing sexual about the way the boys and girls relate to one another at that age.  At that age, boys aren't trying to show off in front of girls yet and girls aren't trying to suppress their intelligence in an effort to appeal to boys, so I can't think of any good reasons to separate the genders (other, of course, than religious ones if the school is Orthodox Jewish or Muslim).  I don't think it will harm their social development particularly, since single-s*x schools have existed forever and it doesn't seem to have a huge effect, but neither do I understand why they would want to set things up this way.

  4. I agree that it is a terrible idea.  In middle school they separated us at lunch and I think it slowed our maturing process considerably. These children have much to learn about each other and the opposite s*x - all of which is completely innocent at this age

  5. Having been a preschool teacher, I understand deeply how different the developmental needs are between boys and girls. Yet, I agree with you. I think important social skills are definitely being learned at this time, and dividing the sexes is not the best way to handle the issue.

  6. BAD idea.

    go to the meeting and put yr foot down!

  7. I am appauled by this as well. I don't feel that children entering kindergarden should be seperated. Now, we have gone from working on developing great social skills to segregating the boys from the girls and if that occurs in kindergarden what message are these officials sending. I could better understand and maybe even go along with this if the children where at the stage of teenagers which then they would come together during lunch,choir,and band time for example. As women, we have come along way and now officials are sending or trying to send a message at a very impressionable age about young boys and girls that I don't like. Children learn to respect one anothers differences by way of being in the presents of the other not by way of seperation which creates an ugly indifference among individuals. Has history not taught these individuals that or maybe they hope that all is forgotten. I would totally oppose such a thing at such an early age and my son simply would not and I mean would not attend that soon to come school of developmental hate.

  8. I thought you were going to ask if there is any research to support this.  It's a TERRIBLE idea.

    Even on a smaller scale, when there is more of 1 gender in a 3-6 age classroom, the dynamic changes so much that it's noticeable.  It's more of a challenge because they do not even each other out as well.  Always wonderful classes, but it's ideal to have a nice, even mix going on with this age group.

    What possible reason do they have?  E-Mail me if you hear about one before hand and want to talk.


  9. Thats a bad idea all the way....actually its real dumb.

  10. I don't like the idea either -what are they basing all of this on?  I agree that kindergarten is the social ground for all life skills later in life.   there is no point in this  - in preschool, the girls and boys are best friends no matter what the gender.

  11. Wow this is a new one to me or maybe it is going backwards into an era of hindering growth. What kind of school is this and why would they want to do this. I really don't know anything else to say. All the previous answers reflect how I feel too!

  12. I think it is a bad idea.little kids need to learn how to get along with both boys and girls at this age.If the classes were made up of all boys and all girls then the kids would have trouble learning how to get along with the opposite gender

  13. Thats horrible, hopefully all the parents will agree with you and they wont do it.  You may want to look in on having him go to another school in the district.  Make sure you go to the meeting so you can talk to the other parents and voice your opinion.  Good luck!

  14. It's a terrible idea. There is a movement towards single gender classes in Middle and High School, which may have some value. Kindergarten is supposed to be focused on helping kids learn to get along in the group and to learn that all kids are both different and the same. I'd refuse to place my child in a single s*x classroom at this age.

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