
Kindergarten and buses?

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Well my anxiety and stress is on overload with my little one starting kindergarten in a few short weeks *cries* She will be taking the bus. For those of you that have gone through this who will put her on the bus after class has ended? I'm really bothered by this I'm hoping this won't be solely her responsibility.




  1. My son has a tag on his backpack with a carabiner clip that shows what school he is in, whose class, and what buses he belongs on. Your school will do something similar and their teachers or the bus aides will help all the children get on the right bus the first couple of weeks as they might change up a little from year to year.

    No worries.

  2. At my kids school (which I work at as an aid) a teachers aid walks them to the bus line. In the AM class they have to be picked up and for the PM class they have to be brought, we have no mid day busing. But a teachers aid does walk  them to the bus line. However once there it is their responsibility to stay there the aid does not. We have one aid per bus line and generally the littlest ones they bring to the front and keep an eye on. It can be chaotic though, if possible I would try to be there at least the first day to help her and wait with her and then she will know what to do. A first day is scary enough without having to worry about the bus. I know my daughters would have worried the whole class time about it. Once she has done it a few times it should be fine. We have a lot of little ones that ride  the bus at our school and they handle it very well.

  3. All kids in kindergarten and elementary are escorted and or supervised.  My daughter is 5 and there are always teachers on the bus to and from school, one for every three kids.  You can request that a teacher or student volunteer be present with your child for the first couple weeks if you would feel more comfortable with that but she will be just fine trust me.

  4. I felt scared about this too! But everything worked well. At our school, a few teachers and the secretary went out after school to make sure the kids got on the proper buses. In the case of little ones, their own teacher usually went out.

    Check with your school to see if they do this as well. Just call the secretary or even the principal.

  5. the teachers take them onto the bus

  6. yes just as everyone else has says....there is a teacher that walks students everyday to the bus and makes sure that they all get on the bus.  For our bus system, there also not allowed to get off the bus unless a parent is present!  Good luck on your baby girl goin to school!  

  7. The teacher will walk the kids to the bus and especially the first few days will make sure everyone gets on the right one!  

  8. they have teachers that walk them to the bus.

  9.   They usually have a bus driver assistant on the bus with the bus driver and at the school they have teachers that help them get on and off the bus and also if you are able too meet your daughter at the school and see how she does.

  10. I am not sure where you live but I live in Florida and I LOVE how they do it here it made me feel much better.  I would put him on the bus in the morning and the King. kids had to sit in the first 4 rows of the bus and there was a bus attendant.  Then when they got to school each Kind. child was assigned an older child and that child would meet the bus and take one child to there class and then at the end of the day that same child would come and get him from his class and put him back on the bus they actually did it with everything before care, aftercare, walkers anything and every kind. had there own little helper they helped them for 4 months and then by then the kids should no the routine.  I LOVED it and so did my son.  Check with the school what there procdures are for this and good luck! I followed the bus the first day and watched him meet his helper and go into the school.  Just so that I knew he was safe.  Hope this helped

  11. In my school

    Kindergarten and First grade students are taken to the bus by their teacher and a firth grade student

    My school goes up to fifth grade

    Kindergarten and First grade students must sit in the first few rows of the bus

    Does this help

  12. Talk to your school to find out the policy.  If you have an orientation day coming up, it is usually addressed there.  

    Our school had very stringent guidelines to ensure every child's safety.  It started with the teachers who made sure each child heard and responded to the buses being called and then an escort took the kids to the appropriate bus.  There were also outside bus monitors to double check them.   Also, in our case, the bus drivers reserved the seats up front for the little kids so they are where they can be seen.  

    Remember, your school has done this for thousands of kids and have probably dealt with every situation imaginable.  Ask all your questions and they should easily be able to put your fears to rest.  

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