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My 7 year old and 5 year old both might fail kindergarten.

My 7 year old started school late because of illness and now he might have to repeat can someone help give me some tips on how I can help him learn and understand the information that his teacher is ging him?We are both working hard and he has made improvement does anyone have any ideas?

Also my 5 year old is not doing that well either,though she is doing a whole lot better then when she first started.Any ideas?

Do thay have summer school for grade schoolers?




  1. I would definitely talk to the teachers/ counselors at school about everything that is available.  Your 7yo should be tested for special needs and should move on so that he is with age appropriate kids.  They are required to provide him services as he moves along.  there are summer school programs in many areas for kids to help them move along (and not fall back) in the summer.  

    Your 5yo may benefit from being a tad older from her classmates.  1 year extra maturity can help a kid who is slower to be ready academically.  But I surely wouldn't allow them to do more than that.

    You need to call the school and request an IEP meeting.  they may not have those exactly for kindergarteners, but there should be something like that for you.  Best of luck.

  2. dont worry about it. Kindergartin is just preperation for early grade school. just work with them and try to make them understand. Kindergartin isn't 8th grade

  3. Have you had conferences with their teacher about this?  That is a big problem, particularly for the seven year-old.  Delaying another year will mean that he will be an eight year-old kindergartner.  That will not do his self esteem any good to be so far behind his peers.  What will make it even worse is if his five year-old sister moves ahead to first grade and he doesn't.

    If your children are struggling, you need to speak with their teachers, and often, about what you need to do at home to get their skill levels up to where they should be.  Do they have concerns that the 7 year-old might be a special needs child?  Are you reading to them, working on their writing, spelling, and reading?

  4. communication with thier teacher is the best advice because if the teachers see you trying then they will be more impelled to also help.  its frustrating for teachers when a child is not doing well and the parents dont seem to care. so make sure the teacher knows you are willing to do whatever you need to do to get them caught up.  ask the teacher about summer programs...these can be very helpful for them because they are getting that little bit of extra one on one.

  5. Talk to their teachers and see if the school offers any tutoring programs that can help get the kids up to speed.  Also see if they can be tested for any learning problems like dyslexia that may be holding them back from understanding the information.

  6. You should probably ask for educational testing to be done on your children. They may need special adjustments made to their learning styles to help them move along.

    You can also work with them at home. Ask the teachers what they could be doing at home. My daughters teachers give me stuff for them to do if they need extra help.
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